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“Is there something wrong with it? Are you keeping it because you think it might’ve been tampered with? Was it?”

“There’s nothing wrong with it,” he said as they got into the elevator. “I just … I thought since I’m driving you around, you wouldn’t need it.”

Oliver gave Seth an are-you-kidding look. “I could use it,” he said. “Since I don’t have a car now.”

Seth smiled at his brother. He figured it would be okay for Clary to hug Oliver.

“That was my point in asking. I hate driving anyway.” She turned to Seth. “You have the key, right? Or do I?” Her brows puckered.

“It’s with me,” Seth said. “I’ll pass it on to you tomorrow.” Along with whatever else Oliver wanted. Sky was the limit.

“Why do you want to know what was in the packages he and Tamara received?” Clary asked.

“Because that might tell us what Gavin Ressler has planned for you.”

“Who’s Gavin Ressler?” Oliver asked. “What does he have planned for Clary?”

“You didn’t tell him?”

“He didn’t ask.”

Oliver looked between them. “What’s going on?”


“Thanks,” Seth said to Zane when he came back with breakfast.

“Do you want Oliver to stay with me instead?” Zane asked.

This morning in the gym, his eldest brother had asked if everything was okay between Seth and Clary.

Things were great. He loved her, and she loved him back. He grinned as he thought about what she’d said, wishing he had recorded her words.

Zane hadn’t said anything after that. Not even when he asked Zane to stay in the apartment while he went out.

“We can switch apartments,” Zane continued. “Or Oliver can move, whichever is more convenient.”

“Why?” He put the bags of food and coffee down on the coffee table. “What’s wrong with the arrangement now?”

“I assume Clary’s going to stay?”


“I’m sure you’d prefer to have the place to yourself.”

“I’m fine with the current arrangement. There’s no need to change anything.”

“And the loan? How much do you need?”

“I doubt Edward Eolenfeld will ask for the money back.”

“You think the old man will back us instead of Grandma Moretti?”

“Clary says she’ll handle it.”

Zane frowned. “Aren’t you worried she’ll have to make a deal that may come back to haunt her?”

“She assured me that that’s not how they work.” Seth checked his watch.
