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“I can get my own ride.”

He ran his tongue under his teeth, trying to figure out a way to make sure he was nearby when the meeting happened without sounding too possessive or offending Clary with his lack of trust in her grandmother.

“What do you and Oliver think Grandma Moretti would actually do to me?”

“I don’t know what Oliver thinks.”

“And you?”

Seth rubbed his tongue against his chipped canine. “Holly once summoned Aldric for a talk regarding his recent disobedience, and then he disappeared.”

Clary frowned.

“She took him, locked him up somewhere. We couldn’t find him anywhere in the house. We begged her to tell us where he was, and she wouldn’t reveal anything.”

“So what did she do with him?”

“She sent him away to another of her properties.”

“For how long?”

“A week.” Seth drew in a deep breath. “He never told us what happened, but he was … different after that.”

Clary sighed softly. “Holly’s a monster,” she said and paused. “But Grandma Moretti isn’t. She isn’t going to whisk me away without my permission. Times are different, too. She’d need my passport, and there’s no way I wouldn’t go kicking and screaming.”

“Some drugs to make you sleep and a private jet could solve that.”

“You’ve put some thought into this.” She pursed her lips. “How about this?” She tapped lightly on her pendant. “I’ll give you the log-in and password to this. Then you can track where I’m going.”

“About that … Why does Edward Eolenfeld need to track where you are?”

“He doesn’t. He only gave me this after Gavin Ressler trashed my apartment. It’s just in case I need help, and I don’t mind. I know some people are really spooked about being tracked and watched. I don’t care. I’m not committing any crime or doing anything bad.”

“Problem is when the data falls into the wrong hands.”

“I trust Mr. E and Grandma Moretti. I trust you too. I’ll text you the log-in.”

“They can change the password if they want, right?”

“Do you have a solution in mind? Because this conversation will go a lot faster if you just tell me what’s on your mind instead of me coming up with solutions and you shooting them down.”

“I didn’t mean to shoot down your idea.”

She chuckled. “So? What do you have in mind? Do you want to get me another of these?” She tapped on her pendant again. “They have bracelets too, I think.”

“Let me drive you there.”

“What if they knock me out and carry me out the back?”

“Then they’d have to throw you off the cliff.”

Clary nodded slowly. “What if …”

They continued down the stairs in silence, Seth giving her time to think while she appeared to struggle to come up with something sinister.

She snapped her fingers. “What if there’s already a helicopter waiting behind the mansion and they just toss me into it?”

“I’m pretty sure I’d be able to hear a helicopter.”
