Page 17 of Exiled

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"Well," Victor finally said, breaking the silence. His voice sounded hollow in the small space, the acoustics making it echo slightly, "as prison cells go, it's not the worst I've been in."

“It’s not?” I asked.

“No, it is,” he replied. “It’s horrible.”

I laughed, the sound hollow in the dank room, echoing off the cold stone walls. Victor grinned at me, the harsh lines of his face softening. The stress of the past few hours had etched deep lines into his handsome face. I wanted to reach out and smooth them away, remind him that we were together in this.

Victor moved towards the tiny window, squinting to see anything through the sliver of light that managed to penetrate it. Exhaling sharply, he turned back to me, his gaze intense. "We'll get out of here, Sofia."

“But how?” I asked.

He reached into his pocket, a smirk on his face. “With this," he said, pulling out Stephen's phone. His hazel eyes sparkled with mischief under the dim lights. "I swiped it from him."

My heart lurched in my chest, hope flooding through me. I let out a breathless laugh, shaking my head at him in disbelief. "You're unbelievable."

Victor shrugged. “I am,” he said.

“So what do we do now?”

“We call Jace,” he said. “And we get the fuck out of here.”

Chapter Six: Jace

Iwas trying to get some sleep on the hospital bed when my phone buzzed, vibrating against the cold metal of the bedside table. Blinking against the harsh fluorescent light, I fumbled my way out from the tangled mess of sheets and reached for it. The Caller ID read "UNKNOWN." My heart pounded in my chest, a wild rhythm that echoed against the quiet of the hospital room.

"Hello?" I answered, trying to mask the dread that crept into my voice.

“Jace, it’s me,” Sofia’s voice said. She sounded…okay. Alive. Scared, but okay.

“Sof?” I said, sitting up.

“Yeah, it’s me,” she said. Her voice was soft, almost a whisper and it filled me with dread. “We’re in trouble, Jace.”

I brushed a hand over my face, wiping away the remnants of sleep. “Where are you?”

“I don’t know," she responded, her voice quaking slightly. "Underground, somewhere cold… a sort of dungeon or bunker.”

I swallowed. “You’re with Victor?”

“Yes,” she said. “Can you trace this call?”

"No, not right now," I admitted, feeling a pang of frustration. "I don’t have my computer. But I can trace it later, just stay on the line for a bit. Tell me what the place looks like?”

There was a pause, then Sofia spoke again. "There's a single bed...a tiny window up high, lets in just a sliver of light. We can hear water somewhere in the distance." She let out a little, humorless chuckle. "Pretty luxury accommodations."

I bit down on my lip, the chilling reality of their situation sinking in. My mind raced, trying to piece together the little information she'd given me - concrete floors, small windows, water nearby.

“Are either of you hurt?”

“I’m fine,” I said. “Victor had a little injury but it’s been taken care of.”

“Okay, good,” I breathed out, relief washing over me. “Just, stay safe okay? Both of you.”

“We’re trying, Jace,” Sofia responded, her voice wavering with restrained fear. “We really are.”

“I know you are,” I said. My mind was already whirling with plans on how to help them escape. I knew one thing for sure – I wasn’t going to let them stay in that hellhole for any longer than necessary. “Whose phone is this?”

“A captain’s, probably? He’s the one who’s guarding the entrance to the dungeon. Victor stole the phone from him. At one point he’s going to find out and I don’t know how long we can keep in touch for.”
