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“Claire, sweetheart. How are you?”

“I’m good. I was going to call you later.”

“How’s the family?” he asked.

“They’re wonderful. I’m in a relationship now.”

“I’m hoping it’s with Dr. Russo.”

“It is.” I laughed. “I love him, Richard.”

“I’m happy for you, Claire. I know your mother would be as well.”

“I need your advice on something,” I said.

“What is it?”

“I’m changing my last name to Kind. Thoughts?”

“If that’s what you want to do, then I say do it. Do you know how to?”

“I’ll have our attorney here handle it for me.”

“I think Claire Kind has a nice ring to it.”

After talking for a while, I ended the call and had Tessa call our attorney up to my office.

“What can I do for you, Claire?”

“I want to officially change my legal name from Claire Marie Monet to Claire Marie Kind.”

“Okay. I can file the paperwork for you.” He smiled.

“Thank you. Please don’t mention this to Shaun or Carter. I want it to be a surprise.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t. I’ll keep you updated.”

Picking up my phone, I texted Nick.

“Hello, my handsome doctor. What time do you get off work?”

“Hey, beautiful. I get off at six.”

“Can you come by Simon’s after work? I want to show you the house.”

“You bet. I miss you.”

“I miss you too.”A smile crossed my lips.“I’ll see you after work. I love you.”

“I love you, too, babe.”

“Claire, someone is here to see you,” Tessa said, popping her head through the door.

“Send them in.”

“Hello, Claire.” Barb walked in.

“Barb, it’s nice to see you. Have a seat.” I gestured. “What brings you by?”
