Page 15 of You're the Boss

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The office doors opened, and two security guards walked in. “We received a call from your office, sir?”

Theodore turned his gaze to them. “Yes. Escort Miss Grandstein out.”

“Theo, please! My father’s business—” She grabbed his arm, but she was barely able to hold on after he forcefully shook her off and the female guard took hold of her arm.

“Your father’s business is none of my concern.” He paused, looking at her with disdain before a cold smile crept across his face. “Unless he wishes to sell it to me, of course.”


“Miss St. James.” He turned to me. “Follow me.”

“Yes, sir.” I got up and glanced at Daniel. I mouthed a “Good job,” to him as Emily was removed from the office, then followed Theodore into his. “My apologies, sir. She refused to leave, and—”

“Show me your finger.” He held his hand out to me.

I glanced from his hand to his face and back again. “Excuse me?”

“Your finger. You cut it when she took the card from you, correct?” He raised his eyebrows, and his gaze was much softer than it was a moment ago.

“Um, yes, but it’s just a papercut.”

“You’re bleeding.” He stepped closer to me and took hold of my wrist, flipping my hand over and peeling my thumb away from where it was pressing my fingertip. “It’s quite deep for a papercut.”

What was happening right now?

A tingle ran up my forearm where his fingers pressed against my pulse point, and I wrestled my wrist from his grip. I licked my finger where the little cut was, then showed him. “Just a papercut, see? It’ll be fine soon.”

“You should clean it properly.” He walked around his desk and opened the drawer, only to remove a small First Aid kit.

“I really don’t—”

“Stop arguing.” He pulled out a box of plasters and antiseptic wipes.

“This is a bit of an overreaction for a papercut, sir.”

“Your hands are necessary for your work. It’d be an inconvenience for me if you couldn’t do it properly because it gets infected.” He held his hand out again. “Your hand, Chloe.”

With a sigh, I put my hand palm-up in his.

“This might sting a little.”


It was fine.

I wasn’t sure I could feel much besides the warmth of his palm against the back of my hand or the gentle way he tended to the still-bleeding cut on my finger.

This was… unnerving, to say the least.

My eye twitched at the little sting from the antiseptic wipe, but it quickly disappeared as he wrapped a plaster around the tip of my finger and smoothed it down. Our hands lingered together for a moment, and I gently slid my hand out of his.

“Uh, thank you, sir.”

He cleared his throat and stepped back, gathering up the rubbish. “You’re welcome.”

“I’ll co-ordinate with security and make sure Miss Goldstein isn’t allowed past reception. I’ll also inform the President’s secretary that—”

“No need. I was on a call with my father,” he said, putting away the First Aid box and sitting down. He looked over at me. “Cancel my three o’clock meeting. Grandfather is coming and wishes to have a meeting with us both.”
