Page 90 of You're the Boss

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How was it that his words were so threatening yet so sexy at the same time?

And why the hell was I getting turned on?

“I don’t know what you mean,” I said quietly, dipping my head. “This is highly inappro—”

“If you didn’t want me to say inappropriate things, you shouldn’t have been snooping on me in the shower,” he murmured in my ear, his lips brushing my earlobe. “Do you want to know why I was doing that? It was because of you.”

I pressed my thighs together. “Me?”

“Your yoga clothes aren’t as modest as you think. I walked in there yesterday and you were bent over with your head down and your arse in the air, and your shorts were revealing a bit too much.”

Oh no.

How was it possible that this situation was getting so much worse?

“So, I was going to handle the problem myself, until I saw you watching me. If you were wondering if I finished myself off when I went back to the shower, you were right. Seeing you watch me turned me on, Chloe.” He slid his hand across the edge of the counter until his thumb brushed my hip. “Imagine how surprised I was when I went back to your room and heard you moaning in there.”

Heat flushed through my body.

I turned him on? All of this was happening because of me?

“And that was a problem,” he continued, keeping his mouth close to my ear. “Because when I left you, all I could think about was what you were doing to make yourself moan like that, then I started wondering what I’d have to do to you to make you make those noises.”

I stared at a worn-down bit of grout on the tiles in front of me. If I didn’t, I might just close my eyes and give into the deceptive seduction of his voice.

God only knew my body was reacting to what he was saying.

“I always thought you hated me, even if we are friends now.” He dipped his head and brushed his lips down my neck in the most featherlight touch, not quite kissing me but not quitenotkissing me at the same time. “But there’s no way you hate me after hearing your moans. Am I right, Chloe?”

I swallowed, beating down my arousal. “We shouldn’t be having this conversation.”

“Then tell me to stop.” He moved behind me, and I could feel his erection pressing against my lower back. He touched his lips to the tender spot beneath my ear and wrapped one arm around me, pulling my body back against his. “Tell me no, and I’ll stop. I’ll walk away, and we’ll never discuss this again.”

I couldn’t say anything.

Stop what?

What was he going to do?

“Tell me yes,” he murmured. “And I’ll touch you the way you want to be touched.”

“Who said I wanted to be touched?”

“Your body. You’re turned on right now, Chloe, and you know you are. Your cheeks are all pink and you’re breathing is all shuddery.” He grazed his teeth across my neck. “So, what is it? Yes, or no?”

I drew in a shaky breath. He was right. I was turned on, and I did want to be touched, but this was Theodore.

Mr Black.

The Bastard.


“You’re my boss,” I whispered.

“Not right now.” He nipped and licked at the side of my neck, sending little shoots of pleasure flying through me. One of his hands slid up my body, expertly avoiding my breasts, and cupped my jaw. His finger and thumb followed the line of my jaw perfectly, and he tilted my head back. “Answer me, Chloe. Do you want me to touch you right now? Can I find out what I must do to make you moan for me?”

