Page 99 of You're the Boss

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Hehe. “Goodnight, Theo.”

He sighed. “If I can’t sleep tonight, it’s all your fault.”


Morning Glory

“We aren’t romantically involved.”

My own words were haunting me. Even if they were a response to the perfectly accurate statement Chloe herself had made, it didn’t mean they didn’t sting.

It was true. We weren’t romantically involved.

It was also true that she was dense and couldn’t see the obvious right in front of her.

Not that I was in a position to be calling her dense. I was just as bad. I’d had my chance last night to tell her that I had feelings for her, and I’d let it pass me by. It wasn’t that I hadn’t realised the opportunity was presenting itself to me, but more than I wasn’t sure it was the right time.

Telling someone you were in love with them for the first time after sex was right up there with proposing halfway through.

You just didn’t do it.

I also wasn’t naïve enough to believe she felt the same way I did just because we’d slept together. There was almost zero chance that Chloe held any romantic feelings for me, and I doubted she’d have even slept with me if I hadn’t been the one to initiate it—which was exactly why I’d made sure to hear the word ‘yes’ from her lips.

This situation was uncertain enough without me complicating things with my feelings.

Even if I was lying here next to her more aware of them than ever.

If anything had changed with last night, it was my true awareness of how deep my feelings ran for this woman.

I was head over heels for her.

Completely and utterly at her mercy.

And she had no idea.

I doubt she’d even considered the possibility that I was in love with her. She had no reason to. It wasn’t as though I’d ever given her reason to believe that. I’d kept my feelings locked away for months on account of my unwillingness to enter into an office relationship.

That and I thought she hated me.

Could I do it now? Could I keep how I truly felt about her under wraps, or would my real feelings leak out?

Spending time with her like this was risky. After all, merely living with her had made my feelings for her grow so much that sometimes it hurt to even look at her. It was hard enough as it was to not let her know the truth.

Especially like this with her lying next to me in bed, fast asleep. I could do nothing but lie here and watch her sleep, even though there was a noticeably big part of me telling me I was being a creepy fucking stalker.

I couldn’t help it.

Chloe was beautiful. She was always on the go, always thinking, always moving, so to see her at peace while she slept had my heart thumping like mad.

Some of her hair was caught on her eyelashes, and I reached over and gently pushed it back away from her face. She stirred, rolling her shoulder, and the action caused the covers to fall down and expose the upper part of her chest.

And some of the evidence of last night.

I pressed my fist to my mouth as my gaze fell on the deep red mark I’d left on her breast. I hadn’t realised how rough I’d been with her last night, and the lingering proof of my actions sent a shot of guilt through me.

She was going to kill me when she woke up and saw that.
