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Clare stood and clapped. “And that is where you’re going to see them shift. Your mom might be a bit of a challenge, though, with the whole getting married thing, but once they see that picture, their hearts will melt.”

“I agree, Angie. Don’t stress over this. It’s not good for you. Do you want me to tell Preston and Finn?”

She grimaced. “Do you mind telling them? I just don’t think I can handle if they’re disappointed in me.”

I frowned. “How did you know I wouldn’t be?”

Angie walked up to me and placed her hands on my chest. “Because you’re my big brother and you’re a cinnamon roll.”

I jerked my head back in surprise as Clare covered her mouth to stifle a laugh.

“What in the fuck does that mean…I’m a cinnamon roll?”

Patting her hands on my chest once again, she grinned. “You’re sweet and soft hearted, like a cinnamon roll. Gooey and soft.”

“I am not gooey and soft.”

“Oh, dear brother,” Angie laughed. “Trust me, you are the definition of cinnamon roll.”

When I looked over to Clare, she shrugged. “I love cinnamon rolls.”


Christmas and Untold Stories

Angie had decided to stay the night with me and Clare and drive with us to our parents’ house for Christmas. We started the day with Angie making cinnamon rolls. The way she and Clare giggled during breakfast made my heart squeeze with happiness.

Clare had gone to her place yesterday to pick up some things since she was planning on staying with me the next few days. She was planning on heading to her parents’ house for Christmas breakfast and would be back at my place in plenty of time to join us at my folks’ place.

With Clare going to her family’s this morning, it gave me and Angie time alone, and it had been nice to talk to my sister and get caught up on what else was happening in her world. I felt guilty for being so focused on myself since my return to Boston, and not on my baby sister.

Once Clare got back home, we swung by Angie’s place so she could change, then headed out of the city. I pulled up and parked behind Finn and Rory’s car. Angie drew in a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

Turning to face her in the backseat, I said, “You’ve got this. Finn and Preston are one hundred percent behind you, sis.”

She nodded. “When should I tell them?”

I glanced to Clare.

“I think if it was me, I’d want to get it out of the way. Otherwise, you’re not going to enjoy your Christmas.”

“By the way,” I asked, “I didn’t ask, what is Reece doing today?”

Angie’s body slumped. “He’s home at his condo. I invited him and he laughed. Said he didn’t feel like dying today.”

Opening my door, I laughed. “Smart guy. I like him.”

Christmas at the Ward house was always my favorite time of year. It was crazy, loud, and full of love. Add in two grandbabies and two daughters-in-law, and it was practically heaven if you asked my mother and father.

The second we walked in, my mother zeroed in on Clare.

“Clare! My goodness, how wonderful that you’re here!” She hugged Clare and looked at me as she gave me a thumbs up. “I knew that day when I saw the two of you kissing that you were both in love!”

“Mom,” I groaned as I looked at my father who simply shrugged.

“Maybe Mom will be so engrossed with you and Clare, she won’t even notice me,” Angie whispered as she took off her coat.

“Angie, sweetheart. Are you here alone?” Mom asked as she walked up and kissed Angie on the cheeks before hugging her.
