Page 20 of Ryker

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“He came back from the station, Ryker.”

Now I really wanted to carve something. Samael’s people always pissed him off. He ruled with an iron fist and didn’t take insubordination, betrayal, or disrespect lightly. But if he was falling apart after coming from the station? This was bad. Like, Samael was about to disappear and do some shady shit bad. I couldn’t even imagine what had happened—just that the last time something at the station had pissed him off, it wasn’t good. “Did you give him any sedatives?” I finally asked.

We all had our thing. We all went on our crazy killing benders. And while Samael might disagree, he was the worst of us all. Aeron and I were mentally unstable, but reeling us in consisted of finding us and talking some goddamn sense into our heads. Maybe even a good fuck to set us straight. Samael? That motherfucker was a beast on steroids. Nothing worked on him. Fuck, if I was going to fight him. And words didn’t work. I had unsuccessfully tried to calm him by sucking his dick once, and he nearly ripped my head off.

Although, apparently, Killian had been able to tame him. Huh.

“Three shots, but they haven’t kicked in yet.” Brent’s voice wavered, and I could tell that his bravado façade was beginning to fade.

Three shots? It usually took one or two for Samael to calm down. A few muffled noises and a scream permeated the air, followed by scurrying feet over the concrete pavement. The scream cut off abruptly, Samael’s heavy breathing filtering into the stiff silence between us.

“Tell him that Aeron needs him.”

Brent grunted. “I’m not fucking going in there again, Slash. I’m not suicidal.”

So he was at the foot of the stairs. Good. “Just put me on speaker.” Brent didn’t answer, but I could hear the breath leaving some goddamn poor soul’s lungs for the last time. I didn’t have time to be jealous that Samael was getting his kills and satisfying his dark beast. I cleared my throat to ensure that my words were clear and crisp. Words had never worked on this guy before, but maybe a few choice ones might help. “Samael, get your ass to Aeron’s. Something’s wrong with Killian, and if he falls apart, you’re going to have to get your shit together before Aeron goes off the deep end.”

Silence. As expected. But not for long, as Samael’s gruff voice broke the tension. “What the fuck is wrong with him?”

A small smile played on my lips. Got him. “If I knew, I wouldn’t be calling you.” I absentmindedly tapped my fingers on the desk, trying to hide the tremor in my hand. If anyone saw that, I’d lose my job—not that they’d know the reason for it.


I could hear the weariness in his voice. He was about to break, but for what I didn’t know. Aeron and I always looked to him for comfort; even Killian did. It was time that we were there for him before we couldn’t save him. “Now, Samael. You can spill more blood later, all right?” Silence. Again. “I fucking mean it. Aeron’s going to need all the support he can get.”

Samael grunted on the other side of the phone in what I hoped was agreement. The call ended, and I lazily looked over to the entrance of my office as the door creaked open. Niles popped his head in. “Boss wants to know if you can—”

I smirked. “I can’t. I’m busy. All day. Outpatient consultation or some shit.”

Niles grimaced, slipping all the way in. I hoped this would be quick. “Everything all right in paradise? How’s the kid?”

“The kid? Oh.” I cocked my head to the side, trying to read the man in front of me. His general curiosity was far from harmless. I was a fucking celebrity in Primrose. I had been featured in newspapers and magazines. My face was plastered all over the goddamn hospital. Niles wasn’t checking up on me out of the goodness of his heart. He wanted the details. The down low. The scoop. And fuck if I was going to give it to him.

We were cool, but we weren’t that cool.

I stalked over to him, grateful that my height loomed over his. “Fucked him a few times and dropped him.”

“A guy like that?”

“What can I say? People change. He wanted more than I agreed to give him.”

“I wouldn’t have thought—”

“No, you didn’t think. Niles, we aren’t exactly friends.” My jaw tensed as I reeled in my true emotions. I liked Niles. He was one of the few I could shoot the shit with, but I wasn’t going to discuss what I had for dinner last night or what I did in my spare time with him. “We’re acquaintances that hate the rest of the world together, and I love that for us.” I let one of my crazy smiles spread across my face. Niles flinched as he sucked in a breath. “But don’t think for one goddamn second that I’m going to spill my personal life to a man with connections to tabloid journalists.”

Niles clutched at the door, “Ryker, I’m not… that’s not why. We’re not friends?”

I smirked and shook my head. “Niles, if you aren’t careful, I’d assume the only reason you decided to talk to me was a scoop.” I slipped past him, but not before offering one more piece of advice, “I’d really hate it if that was the case. You see, I’m not keen on being used.” The way his body locked up in fear made my dick twitch. Time to go find my Kitten.


Aeron didn’t fuck me. But he tucked me all cute-like into his bed, whispering sweet nothings in my ear as my lids closed. Sleep came easily, all of the stress and voices tiring me out. I also knew who had kicked Aeron. It was me, but I wasn’t going to own up to it. I had just been so… agitated, and that was the only way I had thought to voice—express my thoughts. In hindsight, probably not the best choice, seeing as I hadn’t just kicked my first love—but also a cannibal and a murderer.

You’ve never really made those distinctions before, K.

Even when I subconsciously knew my men were more dangerous than they let on, I had never tried to separate their darkness from the rest of them. Today, I had and I’m not sure why. Knowing that the dead woman was connected to my men’s past set me on edge and while no one had said anything, I was 99% sure the kill over the weekend had been Slash’s.

The woman, though? It just didn’t fit their MO but I wasn’t sure my men would just openly start talking about that part of their lives. Honestly, I wasn’t sure I was mentally prepared.
