Page 30 of Ryker

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But in the past week and a half, we found nothing. No reason for his strange freakouts. Nothing to explain the instant switch between fear and desire. No explanation for the dark edge to his innocence.

Our men had been the perfect gentlemen, carting us around, passing us between each other’s houses. The sex was fantastic, the attention even better. We had been home sporadically, but I was just waiting for one of them to ask me to move in. It just made sense, coupled with the secret conversations held behind my back. Something was wrong. And I was pretty sure it had to do with more than us. But I couldn’t help but feel that we were losing Killian to something a little too dark for even us to handle.

Not a topic that I wanted to bring up with any of our men. I hated seeing pity and worry in their eyes. I – we – just needed to figure this out. And we would.

Precisely when Gary stopped fucking staring.

“What the fuck do you want, Gary?” I growled at him, channeling Daemon’s irritation.

He didn’t even flinch. He scooted closer, sporting a grin that didn’t make a lick of sense. “Has anyone told you how pretty your eyes are? They’re mesmerizing. You could get lost in them.”

I paled at what Gary was insinuating. Not only was I not attracted to the kid before me, but he was also wholly too innocent for my tastes. For all of our tastes.

“That’s great. Stop fucking staring.”

He giggled and shifted back in his chair but didn’t swivel around. My skin bristled under his stare, but I wouldn’t let it bother me. Not today. Today was the day that Aeron’s interview came out, something I despised and a little too antsy to call comfortable. I had no idea what Aeron had shared in his interview – Alex had been adamant about keeping those details under wraps, but I knew he wouldn’t share much about me.

I thought I would have been relieved.

But I was more disappointed that he didn’t want to share me with the world. Which was… a weird thing to think, considering how messed up both of us were.

The shrill ring of my telephone woke me from my thoughts and gave me an escape from Gary’s attention. Alex. Fuck. “Uh – yeah?”

My mind shifted, running through my current projects and anything that graced Alex’s desk in the past week. No reason for him to call.

“Get over here.”

My mind blanked. “Here where?”

Really, Dark? His fucking office.

Alex just grunted on the other end of the line. “Funny.” Then he hung up. Something about that rubbed me the wrong way, but I had no energy to pursue that line of thought. I just slammed the phone and scurried down the hall, bursting into the office. It was a relief to escape my own cubicle. I’d have to have a conversation with Gary. Scratch that – Daemon would have to have a conversation with the kid.

I hadn’t missed the two petite women sitting outside Alex’s office, some version of a witch if Walmart had had their hands in magic. They held this unexplainable dark magic that made us uncomfortable as their attention locked onto my form, now safe in Alex’s office.

They’re shifty. Don’t like the feel of them.

Killian silently agreed, but his attention seemed to be elsewhere. Which, again, was weird. He was usually waiting to be let out or panicking in the corner. He was calm. Silent. Okay.

“Killian, these two wonderful women said they wanted to speak with you.”

I glared at Alex standing on the other side of his desk, eyebrow raised. He was waiting for my response, and I couldn’t blame him. I was holding onto a lot of exclusive information, and now that these two fake witches had shown up at my job, no less, I could feel him itching to know why. I managed a small, disinterested shrug. “I don’t know them.”

“I gathered as much. But it seems that Phoenix’s article made some waves in the community, and internet sleuths have made some connections.”

Fuck. That meant the cloak of anonymity I’d been hiding under for years was about to be ripped off if it hadn’t been already. Everyone back at school was going to know. I hadn’t been really interesting on campus. All of that was going to change. I couldn’t even imagine the attention I was going to start getting.

“It’s up to you whether or not you’d like to speak with them.”

Alex ripped me out of my head, but I still had no idea who the witches were. They made us feel uncomfortable. “Who are they?” I didn’t want to speak with them.

“They mentioned that they’re Phoenix’s foster parents.”

Now, I wanted to speak with them. Just a little bit. Phoenix – Aeron never talked about any of the homes he had been in. Hell, until about a month ago, I hadn’t even known that he had been in foster care. I was also pretty sure that Aeron hadn’t mentioned anything about his childhood in the interview – the reason Alex was way more interested in this meeting than usual.

A look into one of the top bachelor’s childhoods? Fucking fantastic. It was too bad that that information wouldn’t be coming from me.

“Why aren’t they just going to A-Phoenix?” I stumbled on his name, my eyes growing wide. Resisting the urge to slap a hand over my lips, I stood stoic, hoping Alex would move this meeting along. If those women outside were indeed witches, I would have been cursed already or forced to reveal information I didn’t even know I had. Either way, I wanted to crawl back into my cubicle. Hell, even Gary was preferable at this moment.
