Page 32 of Ryker

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“About what?” I dropped my feet and folded my hands on the desk with a smirk.

Casey spoke up again, Talia wilting under my stare. “Phoenix – he’s not… he’s more than a chef.”

“Yeah, I know that. He’s a great fuck.”

Talia coughed, concerned with my answer, but it was Casey who explained. “You don’t understand. He needs help, help that can’t be had whilst living this life that he has. I don’t want him to corrupt anyone else and, least of all, an innocent young man like you who has the whole world ahead of him.”

Casey’s explanation sounded like bullshit, but I didn’t care enough to pry into the details. “Thanks for your concern, really. But between the mouth-watering food and the sex? I’m not ready to give it up.” Apparently, being vulgar was the key to turning these women off. I mean, sure, I wanted to know why they were here. But playing a little first wouldn’t hurt. Especially now that I was sure that my men weren’t ‘precious’ in these Walmart witches’ eyes.

Be nice.

Fuck off, Dark. These women need to understand who they’re talking to.

“Killian, listen to me. I understand his allure. I do. But… he’s dangerous.”

Talia finally spoke up, but it wasn’t what I was expecting. “He… cooks for you?”

I nodded again. He hadn’t recently. But back in college? Fuck, I would have died for that man just to get another one of his creations. There had been many a night we had spent in the kitchen, fucking and eating. I missed those if I was being honest.

A squeak slipped through Talia’s lips, and I had to hold in my laughter because I knew what they were thinking now, and it was fucking hilarious.

“He uses the freshest ingredients.”

Another gasp.

“Makes me horny the things he can do with his food.”

Two pairs of eyes widened at my declaration.

“So fucking horny that I got him to fuck me on one of his chest freezers.” Should I be saying all this in front of women I didn’t know? Probably not, but I was enjoying the chaos I was creating. I always did.

Killian was itching to resurface, and as much as I didn’t want to let him through, I would have to eventually. Just another minute. If these women thought something was wrong with me, I couldn’t shake them off. They were here trying to ‘fix’ their foster children. I would not be one of their newest conquests.

“Killian – you know, and you’re still with him?”

I shrugged, feeling lost in Killian’s innocence. But he seemed oddly… comfortable with the situation. I wasn’t going to let him take over yet.

“Is this the only thing you came here for? To warn me off him? Too late. Are we done? I have work to get back to.”

Wow, snippy today.

They’re irritating.

Casey shifted in her seat. “I’m back in town to speak with them and bring them the help they need. I just wanted to see if you would be open to helping us.”

“Help? Do they need help?” My eyes searched their expressions, and I was completely serious for the first time. I think they both saw that. Again, Talia flinched, and Casey stared at me in abject horror.

“You don’t actually mean that.”

“Mean what? I wasn’t aware something was wrong with them.” Well… that was stretching the truth. Killing was wrong. Eating people was wrong. Beating people to death was wrong. But, like… those were minute details, right? They loved me, and they were getting rid of bad people. Mostly. And their day jobs gave back tenfold.

“Sweetie, are you feeling okay?”

“Never better.” I puffed my chest, amusement settling in my expression.

“They aren’t forcing—”

With a scowl on my lips, I stood up. “Yeah, it was fun for a minute. But I’m really done with this. I’ll let Phoenix know that you stopped by. I’m sure he’ll be ecstatic.”
