Page 37 of Ryker

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“Who are you? Why do you even care? Ever since we arrived, we’ve received nothing but hostility.” From my foster sons. From Timothy. From the newspaper. From everyone here. They all believed that Phoenix and Ryker walked on water. Phoenix was a top-tier chef famous for his food cart and strange creations. I refused to believe that he made food for other people, and they ate it. Ryker was Dr. God Hands, a magical surgeon. I could believe that one, but knowing he made a living playing out his sickest fantasies didn’t sit well with me.

The attacker smiled wide, madness etched into his features. Something was wrong with this kid. “Me? Just a concerned citizen. Call me Finn, I guess.” He almost seemed unsure of his name, yet another fact that didn’t sit right with me. “See, these men – the ones that you despise so much – loathe what they’ve turned into – they’ve been cleaning up our city. Without them, the riff-raff would be running around unhindered. And people like you want them caught. I can’t have that.”

More details. He was still gripping my wife’s chin, and I cried out as I watched him carve a piece of her skin with the knife in his hand. His eyes were dead, void of emotion. He was a fanboy through and through, with total belief in what those three were doing. It just so happened that this fanboy – this Finn – was just as dangerous as those three were.

We weren’t going to survive tonight. I was too late.

The dying screams of my wife reached my ears as his grin turned to me, and horror filled me. But he just laughed like he wasn’t splattered in my wife’s remains.

“Oh no, I’m saving you. I won’t be the one to draw your last breath. I’m saving that for the one you thought you would save.”



We hadn’t gone anywhere.


We had gone home because we didn’t fucking want to stay at work as Alex tried to drag yet another story out of us, Gary annoyed the fucking shit out of us, and Nyla tried to apologize. Like that would change anything.

Oh, and Jamie kept pushing for collaboration on an additional story with Phoenix. Like that would ever fucking happen.

I had meant for us to stay at work, but I was getting fucking antsy, and I was having a tough time not finding something to kick. Or punch. Or slash. Or… I grimaced at the implication that my men’s natural tendencies were starting to rub off on me. Not good.

Lucy whined ungratefully as she rubbed against my leg. How the fuck she ended up at my side and was currently snuggled into one of the many pillows Samael had piled up for her in his kitchen was anyone’s best guess. Apparently, some part of my psyche had also grabbed a bowl of food. Smart.

“I already fucking fed you.” I stared at her mostly full bowl, wondering how her kibble tasted. Maybe it would dull my raging hunger?

Don’t fucking stoop that low, Daemon.

I chuckled, wondering where Killian had run off to. Sleeping? Really? That was new, but I didn’t want to bother him. He was the most fragile out of us three, and as the owner of this body, he needed to stay in one piece, or we’d all be goners.

My phone buzzed, and without even looking at it, I knew it was Samael. I was about to get chewed out, wasn’t I? I jostled Killian, trying to get him to take over again, but Dark stopped me. Fuck, I wasn’t going to get out of this one this time.

I cleared my throat and accepted the call but didn’t answer.

“Where the fuck are you, Killer?”

“At my apartment.”

“Then maybe you didn’t fucking hear me tell you to stay where the fuck you were.”

“I did. I was on the phone. Well, Killian was.” Playing with fire was a sure way to get fucked. Or at least it had been. Now, I was pretty sure I would get chewed out without the fucking part. Damn, it was the only fun part of these arguments.

“I get it. You like to push back. But now is not the time,” he growled. “I’m downstairs. Pack your stuff. You’re staying with me for now.”

Sounds serious. Stop poking the beast.

The problem I have, Dark, is that it ALWAYS sounds serious. But they never tell me why.

Daemon, stop being a child, and maybe they’ll let you in on it.

I huffed as Lucy whined at me again. Oh, fuck. Killian would kill us if we abandoned the cat. “What about Lucy?”

“Bring the damn cat and get your ass downstairs. You have two minutes before I march up there, and you do not want that.”

I opened my mouth to make some smartass retort until I heard Aeron in the background, “Kitten, he’s in a murderous mood. Stop playing and get down here.” The cannibal sounded panicked like he was going to lose it. That settled things for me pretty quickly.
