Page 40 of Ryker

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I thought Samael would press the issue, but he just continued. What the fuck goes on in that kid’s mind? “Until we were ten, we didn’t act out much. The occasional beheaded doll, but Aeron here started being weird as shit right when he got to middle school.” Now if that wasn’t the truth. Aeron was a lady killer. All the girls flocked to him and his warm smile.

But he also had a nasty habit of licking people. Our first foster home had no idea what to do with that. Aeron was strange, but we liked him enough to protect him. He said that their skin was delicious. And for whatever reason, it’s what sparked me to act on the dreams I had been having for years.

“…licking people and kept getting sent to the principal’s office until he almost got expelled. Our first mom sent him to a special school for mentally deficient kids, but Aeron wasn’t dumb. He’s always been a little too smart. His desires were just odd.” Killian nodded, and I joined in.

I remembered the first time I had tried to acquire a tiny sliver of flesh for Aeron. We were on a field trip to a morgue in middle school – for whatever goddamn reason, the administration thought it was a good idea – and I snuck in my favorite serrated knife. But instead of taking a small souvenir for my best friend and crush, I was mesmerized by the lifeless body within my reach.

And as my knife grazed the flesh, peeling away the thick leather, I was amused at how much power I felt in my hands. There was just one thing missing. The body’s voice. I needed to hear how this body felt when I took a piece of them. Or many pieces. Aeron had many pieces to lick that night.

“Every time Aeron acted out, we had to pull him away. I didn’t understand why we had to hide who he was. But I knew that if he had the flesh in his hands, no one could get mad at him. I’d been having dreams for weeks, the things I like to do, the way my knives feel in my hands. I knew that my desires would make Aeron’s life easier.”

Samael chuckled, shaking his head. “Sick bastard. Yeah, Slash was starting to figure out what he liked, what he enjoyed, and what set him off. Unfortunately, he left a bit of a mess in that room.” He took a deep breath. “But I watched him leave, and there was this smile on his face that I hadn’t seen before. He was so fucking happy, and I knew if anyone saw what he had left behind, someone would find out it was Slash.”

Silence filtered between us, and I was tempted to look at Killian, but this was a moment that Samael rarely talked about.

“So, I – I got rid of the body.”

I blinked a few times, staring at Samael’s guilty face. The newspaper the next day had detailed a few missing bodies, not just one. I hadn’t thought much of it, although I was pretty sure someone would knock on the door and drag me away from Aeron and Samael. When that hadn’t happened, I kind of forgot about it. But hearing this now, I realized we were all a little obsessive with our crafts.

Samael half-smiled, eyes trained on Killian. “It was a few. At first, I only wanted to make one go missing. The one that Slash touched. But it’s a power dynamic. They can’t fight back, and… well, it got out of hand.”

I leaned in a little. “How many? How many did you get rid of?”

“Eight. I almost got caught at the last one.”

Eight bodies? Fuck. Samael would have been eleven, lugging full-grown bodies to wherever the hell he had taken them. Wait… where had he taken them? I glared at Samael, waiting for an explanation.

“There was that rapid river in the back, remember? I just kind of… watched them go down the river.”

“Into the fucking ocean?” Aeron asked, eyebrows raised. He’d been quiet the entire time, not that I blamed him. His craft was the strangest out of us three, so he was waiting for Killian’s reaction. But the kid hadn’t really had one. He was just… here.

Samael nodded. “Yes?”

“Let me get this straight.” Aeron had started tapping those rhythmic threes again, but I ignored it. “You, as an eleven-year-old, dragged eight bodies to that stream out back. How the fuck did you even get past the front doors?”

“There was a back door,” Samael stated so matter-of-factly I almost just believed it and kept my thoughts to myself. But essentially, Samael had just walked out with eight bodies. That morgue’s security had to be shit. I also knew that Samael wouldn’t expand on this part of our story, his words turning onto how we were abruptly turned over to the state a few months later.

My eyes drifted to our Kitten, watching as he sat at the kitchen table, enthralled and focused on every one of Samael’s words. Little by little, our Kitten was losing it, being torn apart from the inside of his own mind. Dark and Daemon were manageable, but there was another unexplained darkness in the kid that we could not place and were all refusing to acknowledge.

I partially blamed us – our dark, depraved desires could only be fueling his own.

Still, I wanted to know what was running through his mind as he perched his chin on his hands and leaned forward, a smile spreading across his lips as Samael brushed over one of the first times we had caught Aeron’s hands deep in a dead body, nothing behind his eyes.

The cannibal had been covered in blood and guts, intestines hanging from his lips like leftovers from a bowl of ramen noodles. Killian is getting off on this shit.

“I love you guys,” he whispered nonchalantly like it meant nothing more than saying hello. However, I could read his expression and he truly believed those words. His gaze flitted between the three of us and then a giggle slipped from his lips. “I mean it. I love all of you.”

Aeron cracked a timid smile. “This is the moment you chose that little bit of goodness? Yes, Kitten, we love you too.” Killian beamed at the confession, waiting for Samael and I to reciprocate as well. As far as killers went, this was as lovey-dovey as our confessions got. We offered our own sentiments and Killian nodded, cataloging them one by one.

I should have been a little creeped out by how well the kid fit with us, but I was more interested in how turned on our Kitten got. How the evil displays during our childhood had prompted a confession of love from our Kitten. Both Samael and Aeron had fucked Killian in their own spaces during one of those dark depraved moments that we all craved. I wanted mine. But my moment involved a lot more… blood and knives. I wasn’t sure Killian was ready for that kind of play.

He caught my gaze and smiled, licking his lips almost knowingly before focusing back on Samael. I stifled the grunt bubbling up in my throat and palmed my hardening dick in my pants. A good fuck would calm my nerves, but if I couldn’t get that – Aeron glared at me – then I needed to kill something.

My left hand had stopped shaking, but the tremors were still there, sporadic at best. I knew Samael and Aeron had seen them, but they hadn’t addressed it. We were all a little antsy, but I was the only one without an outlet. Aeron had stock in the basement. And Samael was a fucking detective. He could beat people up and get paid for it.

But for me? I couldn’t very well skin people alive during surgery. My darkest desires required the midnight air, stealth, and a whole lot of fucking planning. Unfortunately, we were getting to a point where I just needed someone under my knife. It didn’t matter who. It didn’t matter if they deserved it. As I let my thoughts drift, I realized there was a perfect target – hell, two targets – in this very town that deserved to be under my knife.

Aeron kicked me under the table, but I had checked out, planning my next kill. Here I come, foster moms.
