Page 52 of Ryker

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“Answer the goddamn question.” Aeron shrunk back at the harshness of my words but silently remained in the background.

“Finn got Killian.” I was about to fucking rage when I remembered our Kitten was in the other room. Seething – but quietly – I waited for Samael to elaborate. “I don’t know the gist of it, but he carved ‘Remember’ into Killian’s arm. He wants us to continue cleaning up the city or some shit, and apparently, Killian is a hindrance to that progress.”

Killian wasn’t a hindrance. He was our lover. I was going to rip Finn apart for thinking that he could just pop into our city and dictate our next move. He had played with someone important to us, and I was going to make sure he paid for every last bit of torture he had made Killian suffer through.

I could tell from Samael’s sobered expression that Dark and Daemon had done their best to shield Killian from the violence, but they had lost out, and the kid on the couch, when he fully woke up, wasn’t going to be the same kid from this morning. He’d be at least a little more broken, if not completely shattered.

Aeron let out a strangled sigh, leaning against the island counter and placing his head in his hands. “They caught Finn when Samael found Killian.” I perked up, licking my lips and slicing my knife through the air, an evil grin spreading across my lips. If Finn had been caught, then we knew where he was. A little maneuvering and we – well, Samael – could get him out, and then we could make him pay for…

Samael’s grip on my wrist had me nearly biting his head off until I saw the man’s expression. “The man they took? It’s not Finn.” I stilled, relaxing into Samael’s hold. He took a deep breath, looking tortured as he continued. “I watched the police take that kid into custody. I don’t know who he is, but the innocence in his eyes as they carted him away was real. He seemed almost happy to go with them, to get caught. But that wasn’t Finn. That wasn’t the same person who killed Jenny and delivered her lungs to Aeron’s door. That wasn’t the same person that carved up your foster mother and left the other one in the hospital.”

“What are you saying?”

Samael took a moment, and I saw him warring with his emotions. For so long, he had been in complete control. Now? Shit had hit the fan, and it was getting harder to clean up. “Finn is still out there somewhere, and he’s going to keep playing this game until we get back to what we started.”

The shrill ring of a telephone spliced through the tension, our eyes focusing on the house phone vibrating on the hook. I was ashamed to admit I had no idea Samael had a house phone. Samael stared at it in confusion but answered anyway after placing it on speaker.

A deviously smooth voice filtered through the earpiece. “I’m glad you are all finally on the same page.” Finn. The real Finn. Samael paled at the voice, as we all did, silently waiting for Finn’s monologue to reveal his reason for calling. “Really. Reunions and all that shit. I love those. How’s your boy, by the way? Once I saw the darkness in his eyes, I didn’t want to play with him. But I had already started, and I did need to make a point that I couldn’t very well do with Casey because you guys hate her so goddamn much.”

“Who did they take to prison?” Aeron cut off Finn, his pleading tone clearly signifying that he was worried about… well, everything.

“No idea. Matt, maybe?” Finn chuckled, and it made me want to retch. “He was a terrible actor. They’ll see right through him. Probably already have. But is that even the problem right now? You need to be thinking of your next victim and stat. I don’t like waiting.” The line went dead, Finn giving us no chance to answer his unreasonable demand.

Who was he to dictate when we killed? The urges were our own and not for his enjoyment. But if he wanted a victim… I had one in mind – one I’m sure Samael and Aeron had thought of instantly. Finn. He was going to be my next kill, not only because he had touched my Kitten, but because he thought he could orchestrate our lives and get away with it.

Here I come, motherfucker.


“What the fuck, guys?” I muttered under my breath as I sat propped up at the dinner table. My men had urged me to stay on the couch when they had filtered back into the living room, but I’d had enough of being coddled, even if I had no idea what the fuck had happened.

I was still shivering, and my arm hurt like a bitch, but I didn’t remember much of anything else. Someone had kidnapped me. I thought. I couldn’t entirely remember, to be honest. Dark and Daemon were telling me that they did their best to shield me from the horror that was the past few hours, but like, I didn’t know what the fuck they were talking about.

I’m so sorry, K. We tried. Really.

I blinked again, “Sorry for what?” I hissed to myself. My head was tucked against my chest as I shoveled a spoonful of something into my face. It tasted like ash on my tongue, but I wasn’t focused on that.

Primrose, do you really not remember anything?

I shook my head to myself, “No. I’ve been out for hours. I woke up in the warehouse, and there was some kid, I think. And then Samael. But… I have no idea what’s going on. My arm hurts.”

Seriously? We kept getting shoved back in like we do when you come out.

K, that wasn’t you?

I tensed, trying to wrap my brain around what they were saying. They were telling me that there was someone else, that the part of me I had been chipping at had finally escaped. But they also told me that none of us had access to that part. We didn’t know who or what it was, which meant the missing time was directly related.

A gentle hand caressed my shoulder, another on the small of my back as I shoveled another spoonful into my mouth.

K, you’re going to puke.

It tastes like shit. What is that?

It tastes like shit because K is having a panic attack. Daemon, god, I’m going to regret this. Take over.


K is going to fucking fall apart in a second.
