Page 59 of Ryker

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I didn’t need to be under a microscope. Yes, I was a little crazy. Okay, a lot crazy, and we were fracturing with every moment that Killian remained missing in our head, in that dark little corner that neither Dark nor I could reach.

Head down, I shuffled my feet across the office, nearly colliding with my former cubby mate.

“Killian! It’s been a while. Karen #2 brought muffins, and they’re actually really good. I-”

I thought about cocking a fist back and aiming for the throat, but Dark growled at me to keep me in check. Instead, I faked a smile and stared at her with a blank expression. “Nyla, we’re not friends. You sold me out for a better position. I get it, but I don’t like you.”

She guffawed as if I had just punched her. “Kill, it wasn’t…I-”

I held up my hand and shook my head, “No. No need to explain. I understand.” I really did, but fuck if I was going to be chummy with her after that. “But you need to understand that if I’m only as important as a story, then we have no reason to be friends.”

“You’re not Killian.”

I shot her a devilish grin but shrugged in contrast with my expression.

Today was turning out to be an all-around annoying day. I just wanted to get it over with. Unfortunately, I still had to go to the station with Samael, which meant I’d have to meet my father. I kind of wish I could go back to the morning when I found out I was going to meet my three men. That stress had been way better than what I was dealing with now.


My hand shook like a broken motor as I stalked down the sidewalk, hooded by the dim lamp lights, eyes wandering for anything to take away the pain, the darkness. I was at my wit’s end, and while Casey would satisfy the growing need in my soul, it’d be way too fucking obvious. It wasn’t exactly a secret that I didn’t fucking like the woman, and Niles knew I wanted nothing to do with her.

That also didn’t help my situation.

Maybe Finn was right. Killian was a distraction. One that I absolutely loved, but a distraction nonetheless. Our desires didn’t take holidays because we were filling holes, and I think a small piece of me knew it. Hell, somehow, even Finn had known it.

I grit my teeth, pulling my hood tighter around my face. My footsteps took me down paths I hadn’t traveled in years, sidewalks I used to prowl for victims before we became smart about our next kill.

A sloppy shoulder attached to a drunk man rammed into mine, spewing curses at me for stepping into him. I thought about taking the disrespect and finding a different target, but my emotions were running my meat suit now. I straightened to my full height, watching the light in his eyes drain. My lips pulled back into a devilish smile as a terrifying growl slipped through, one that I had been perfecting for years.

“I will be your worst nightmare, you shit.”

I didn’t wait for his gasp or wait to drag him into a less conspicuous area. I just moved. I let my hands do the talking, my favorite knife joining the game as I watched the life seep from him, his skin fileted with my expertise, and blood splattered around us like a goddamn light show at Christmas. I should have cared. This was everything I aspired not to be.

I wasn’t just some killer out there. I was the best. I was meticulous. I enjoyed my craft. This? This was nothing like that. This was the darkness rushing out of every orifice, escaping, dying to be free. The man had long since taken his last breath, his chest a mass of minced organs and crushed bones, but I didn’t stop.

With each swing, I continued tearing at his flesh, watching as he became nothing more than the roadkill of my night.

As my mind finally cleared, the form before me no longer human, I managed to take a deep breath and reflect. I wasn’t even sure why I thought dragging it to Aeron’s basement was a good idea, seeing as how I had destroyed most of the ‘meat’ with my lack of control.

And yet… it had done little to calm the true rage in my heart. I wasn’t quiet about my entry, and Aeron rushed down the stairs, his eyes wide with concern. I didn’t blame him. My cannibal stared at the mangled mess by my feet and then the state I was in before pulling me into a hug. When he pulled back to cup my face, his terrified expression finally hit.

I remembered how to breathe as he held my face, watching, waiting. “Slash…” His voice trailed off as he pulled my face toward his, sucking in a breath as our lips met. My shoulders sagged as I fell into him, backing him into a wall as I took what I needed. Blood seeped through his clothes as the reality of my actions began to sit in, one of my greatest fantasies playing out as I kissed him back. We attacked each other like animals, both of us clawing at each other’s clothes until there was just skin upon skin, crimson fluid rubbing between us. Our cocks hardened as they slid together, our hips thrusting against each other for dominance. I swallowed the little noises Aeron made as I shoved my tongue down his throat, demanding submission.

He fought back, but this duel was mine. My hands dropped to the meat between our legs, giving both of us a long stroke, another moan permeating the heated air.

That’s when I realized the moan hadn’t come from Aeron.

I ripped myself away to see Killian and Samael at the back entrance. Samael was desperately trying to hold Killian back, but the kids' eyes were darkened with lust. His lips kept smacking together, desire dripping off of him. At first, I thought I had misread the situation until I realized he was actively jerking himself off, even in Samael’s strangling hold.

When I met Samael’s eyes, he seemed as lost as I felt. That kid wasn’t our Killian… or was it?


I was not about to stop what was inevitably about to happen, even if I knew that we should de-escalate the situation to talk about what was going on with Killian. I managed a slight nod, trying to catch my breath as Samael released Killian, and the kid all but jumped into my arms, lapping at my chest like a man starved.

His tongue felt like heaven until I realized I was covered in blood from whatever Slash dragged in. I tensed, and I was sure Killian felt it, his eyes clearing slightly as he tilted his head to question my reaction.

I couldn’t do this, could I?
