Page 60 of Ryker

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I set the kid down, placing a soft kiss on the bridge of his nose before shaking my head, “Killian-” I paused, unsure who I was speaking with. He didn’t seem like Killian, but I had been getting them mixed up lately.

He grunted, clearly unsatisfied with the turn of events, but his eyes glazed over again when Slash slung an arm around his waist. “If you won’t take him, I will.”

Killian grinned like he had won the fucking lottery as he turned in Slash’s arms and attacked him with the same fervor that Slash had done with me a few moments ago. The surgeon pushed the kid toward the chest freezer in the middle of my basement, not waiting before he yanked the boy’s pants down and roughly started fingering his hole.

Watching the scene made my dick jerk, but I couldn’t. Not again. Every time this kid lost it, we fucked him. It got him out of his head for who knew how long, and then we had to deal with the fallout again. Someone needed to talk to him.

Killian cried out as he pushed back on Slash’s fingers, gripping the edge of the freezer as he rode them toward an orgasm. Slash wasn’t being nice, his eyes almost as black as Killian’s; the two lost to whatever sensations were driving them. Blood smeared between them as Killian twisted around to catch Slash’s lips. They sucked and pulled at each other, moaning as Killian’s body tensed, then he came against the side of my freezer.

Slash didn’t let up, though, sticking a second and third finger into Killian’s ass, thrusting in and out with a force that was sure to leave a few bruises. The problem? Killian was loving it.

I opened my mouth to say something when Samael pulled me away from the scene altogether. “Absolutely the fuck not. You pull that man away from Killian, and one of them is going to say words they don’t mean. Tell me what happened.”

My eyes drifted to the mangled mess that used to be a man lying on my basement floor. “Honestly? I don’t fucking know. I just…” Samael shook his head, eyes traveling back over to the two.

Slash had swapped his fingers with his dick, pushing into Killian in that sensual way he always did. Killian’s back was arched as he took the surgeon in whole, whimpering at the sheer girth of the man. I had been on the receiving end of that dick, and it was no joke. Slash’s hands pressed into Killian’s side as he thrust fast and hard, the kid writhing and moaning as the man’s hips slammed against the kid’s ass.

Samael gestured upstairs, ignoring my bloodied nakedness. I followed, the sounds of pleasured moans and grunts disappearing as I shut the basement door. Slash was living out his fantasy, and Killian was… well, that kid needed help.

It was only a matter of time before we had to realize that. It seemed like it was time. Three years ago, Killian would have run so fast the other way after seeing a scene like that. Dark would have had to build up to it. Daemon would have made jokes and then jumped one of us later that night for some kinky sex.


Killian hadn’t even hesitated.


I watched Slash step out of Aeron’s room from where I was sitting at the kitchen table, lips pressed together in disappointment. The shower had run at some point, and Aeron was aimlessly poking at things in his fridge, unable to choose anything for dinner – which meant that we were all a little on edge. Again.

“How is he?” I asked.

Slash sighed and then shrugged. Uncertainty didn’t look good on that man. “He’s getting dressed.”

“Dressed?” I stared at the bedroom door and then back at Slash.

“He said he didn’t want to sleep.”

“Are you fucking—” Aeron laid a hand on my arm, and I took a moment to let out a deep breath as I calmed my voice, “Slash, what the fuck.”

Slash threw his hands up in fake surrender. “I’m sorry, all right? I lost it. I haven’t… and it was just too much-”

“What’s this really about? Casey? Finn?” I prodded, taking the opportunity to drag Slash closer. I knew from experience that my touch settled him, but he looked pretty… settled.

“This has nothing to do with Finn and everything to do with the fact that it’s been a little while since I killed someone. The last time that happened, I went on a bender.”

Aeron butt in, “First off, your last kill was what—a few days ago? And, you basically did. Did you even look at the thing you dragged in here? You can barely tell that the heap on my basement floor was ever a man.”

Slash grimaced, throwing his head back as if the thought pained him. “I’m not apologizing for that shit. I almost went to the hospital for Casey, all right?”

“What am I cleaning up, Slash?” He threw me a look, daring me to complain about it.

“Some drunk guy in the back alleys.”

The room fell dead silent as we all realized the implications of that. Slash hadn’t ventured down there in years. Things were getting really fucked up, barreling toward an end that I wasn’t sure any of us were ready for. Killian appeared from the bedroom, fully dressed in Aeron’s clothes as his had been bloodied. I wasn’t sure I wanted to see the sheets left behind after that excursion.

The bloodlust was gone, the innocence fully seated in his eyes again. I raised an eyebrow as he slid into a chair at the kitchen table, wringing his hands together.

