Page 7 of Ryker

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Dark burst out laughing as I pressed myself against a wall, looking both ways as if I had actually slipped away from the guards.

It is. It’s also more exciting to roam his estate.

For what reason?

Dark seemed to be alluding to something, but I was on Daemon’s side this time, strangely enough. Then again, siding with Daemon usually turned out to be a terrible idea.

You haven’t wondered why we’re suddenly being watched? Samael’s keeping something from us.

Ever thought it was for our own good?


I snickered and then slapped my hands over my mouth to cover the sound. God, I was such a fucking amateur when it came to sneaking around. Twisting around the corner, I caught one of the guards strolling down the hall. To anyone else, it would look like he was patrolling, but the swift pace of his step told me that my disappearance had been noticed.

Maybe I shouldn’t have been snooping for answers. Maybe Samael would answer them in time. Maybe calling either Aeron or Slash would help.

A whiny meow echoed through the open space, my entire body on alert. Of course, Lucy would ruin my little escape. I turned to run back down the hall, running into Brent. He had been lurking in the shadows–that was the only way I knew how to describe it, watching me, observing me. I only caught him looking a few times but it was like the hairs stood up on the back of my neck every so often.

I had taken solace in his presence when I first came to Samael’s estate with Thomas, one of The Revival’s Gods, but now? Something was off about him. Well, Daemon didn’t like him. Which wasn’t saying much because Daemon didn’t like a lot of people.

“Anything you’re looking for in particular?” He asked, his voice firm. He took a step back and folded his arms across his chest, his gaze moving along my face, studying me.

“Not really. Just moving.” I hoped that was enough of an explanation.

It wasn’t.

“Uh-huh and which one are you?”

My body froze at the question. How much did Brent know about my condition? About my alters? Surely he saw a change from the man who spent a weekend with Samael to the one he stood before him but there were a host of other mental disorders that could be attributed to that.

I decided that not answering was my safest bet.

It wasn’t.

Really winning the lotto over here, Primrose.

You realize that Brent just admitted he knows we exist, right?

“Always thought it weird how obsessed my boss was with you but I see it now. You get off on his darkness. You salivate for it.” I just stared at him like a deer in headlights as he chuckled. “Killian, you didn't think he was the only one who caught you watching from the shadows up at the cabin, right?”

My cheeks flamed knowing that most of the men on Samael’s payroll probably saw me jacking off to my lover killing a man. “Of course. Sure. Yes. Why wouldn’t you know?” I pushed out, stumbling over my words, hoping my embarrassment would get me out of this conversation. Brent could think whatever he wanted but the last thing I wanted to do was explain what chaos was going on in my head. He didn’t say anything, just raised an eyebrow in the way that he did as he observed me.

That look pisses me off. Like he knows something but won’t say it.

Ignoring Daemon, I changed course and charged around a corner to free myself from Brent’s gaze. It was then that I heard the sounds of someone getting the ever-living shit kicked out of them. Grunts and moans mixed with incoherent pleas hit my ears, turning my attention to a door that had been closed for the last two days.

That usually has a lock on it, right, Primrose?

I hadn’t been studying the door that closely, so I wasn’t sure, but my curiosity got the best of me as I twisted the knob. The sounds grew louder, and maniacal laughter followed after the solid hits. I stepped down and closed the door behind me, refusing to let Lucy get caught up in this mess.

I didn’t know what had come over me as I descended the concrete steps one at a time, something drawing me to the sounds like a moth to a flame. It took me back to the day I had met Samael when he had beat Gary and the other guy into the pavement – me watching in the shadows, jerking off.

My cock hardened in my pants as Dark and Daemon fought like children, bickering about whether I should continue or return to the main level. Ignoring them, I continued my descent. These villain lairs were definitely supposed to be locked.

I knew what I would find as I descended the stairs—but the terrified look in Samael’s eyes as he tried to figure out my reaction was priceless.

I was sure Aeron had said something to my men regarding my fragile mental state, but I was fucking done being treated like a child, like something that could break. Sure, I had a few voices in my head. And sure, I zoned out a time or two. Oh, and yeah, the panic attacks. But like… I only had them when I wasn’t with them. Not the other way around.
