Page 131 of Stage Smart

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“Hey, good for you,” he says, clapping my arm.

He moves to Larinda and kisses her cheek. “Love you, Larry. You’re an effing warrior.”

Hang on. What?

Bruce is next, and is that… a smile?

“Hang in there,” he says, patting her arm. “We got you. We support you. Let us know if you need anything.”

Larinda and I exchange a confused glance. Soon the room is buzzing, but this time with utterances of support for us and rants against… Jarvis?

What the hell is happening?

“It’s criminal what he did,” Mallory spits in disgust.


I blink to clear my vision, certain I’m hallucinating. But no, that’s definitely Jarvis’ personal assistant standing in front of us with a look of sympathy.

“I’m so sorry for not saying something sooner,” she says. “I wanted to, I just… Gosh, Larinda, I’m so sorry. And I’m so glad you found someone you deserve.”

She turns her attention to me and offers a weak smile. “You’re a good guy, Val. I’m sorry for how he’s treated you as well.”

Okay. I’m so lost right now.

Before I can ask, her gaze locks on something behind me, and my stomach sinks when I spot what she does.

The absolute last thing we need in this baffling moment is…


He throws his arms around me and pulls tight.

“I’m so sorry, mi amigo,” he says, rubbing my back. “So, so sorry. Cry it out if you have to. I’m here for ya.”

“Uh, thanks?”

“Don’t be strong! There’s strength in tears!”

“Yeah, um, it’s… fine.”

Maybe? I have no idea what’s happening.

He transfers his hug to Larinda.

“You too, our precious little hummingbird.”

Her expression is great for showing me what mine must look like.

“He’s a monster,” Chad hisses. “A diabolical wildebeest, and I shall not rest until you are avenged. I should have trusted you from the beginning,” he directs at me.

He moves back to me and cups my face. “The blood code, brother. The fucking blood code, and I failed you. But I swear on Mr. Reedweather himself, I won’t sleep until I make things right. Follow the condom trail.”

And he winks.

And walks away.

And I guess… that’s it?
