Page 135 of Stage Smart

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Dad: I’m just having a hard time accepting our beautiful, intelligent daughter would choose an empty snap pea pod over that other boy.

Larinda: Which boy?

Dad: The one you brought with you today. Val.

Larinda: He’s my producer.

Dad: So? That never stopped you before.

Larinda: Dad!

Mom: Randall! He WAS very cute though, Larinda. And so polite and sweet.

Dad: Tiara is going to marry him if you don’t.

Larinda: Stop!

Dad: What? If neither of you do, I’m adopting him.

Mom: That’s a good idea. What are the laws about adopting adults? Would that be weird for you, sweetie?

Larinda: I have to go now. Great seeing you. Talk soon.

Larinda is downright smug when I look up and return her phone. I shake my head, fighting like hell to block the smile that will betray how incredibly good it felt to read that.

“Told you,” she says.

“Whatever,” I mumble.

“They love you.”

“They don’t even know me.”

“They want to, and when they do, they will.”

She unlocks her screen again.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

There’s no response as she types something into what looks like a text message.

“Larinda… what are you doing?”

I have my answer when my phone buzzes a second later.

I pull it up to see a message from Larinda—to a new group chat.

Larinda: Get him an XL, preferably a green shirt because that color looks amazing on him.

Within seconds there’s a response.

Unknown: Perfect! Does he like chocolate mousse? Oh, he’s here. Do you like chocolate mousse, honey?

I stare at Larinda.

“Mom asked you a question, honey. Do you like chocolate mousse?”

I swallow hard as I stare back at the strange message.
