Page 14 of Stage Smart

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A cold trickle moves through me as soulful green eyes flash through my brain.

A smile that makes my heart burst.

Creative genius that gives me chills.

Is that what my reluctance is about? Can’t be. My crush on Val wouldn’t interfere with my career. Nothing has ever come between me and my success. Since day one I was willing to do whatever it took as long as no one else was hurt.

But suddenly, I’m not okay with it. Suddenly, the prospect of pretending to love someone leaves a sick feeling in my stomach even worse than the prospect of cucumber-flavored almonds.

“Larinda. Are you involved with someone?” Rena repeats.

“What? No. Of course not.”

“Good. Because that’s a horse we can all agree on. We need to be very careful how we manage the narrative of your love life, especially now. It’s central to your music and image. We don’t want another DJ Master Klau$ situation.”

Is my ex-producer ex on the agenda for every single meeting?

“Rena is right,” Mae says. “And after the Brighthouse gaming disaster, we can’t afford another PR mess.”

Oh great. Let’s throw that corporate sponsorship fiasco in the dumpster fire as well.

Yes. It was a disaster, and also the most bittersweet publicity event in the history of publicity events. Nothing went right that day. Everything blew up. But last year’s huge mess also gave me one of my closest friends in Nash Ellis, who in turn brought Val into my life. I can’t imagine this past year without my producer. I can’t even imagine this past breakfast without him.

And we’ve gone full circle.

“So, just to confirm, you are not involved with anyone?” Rena asks in a firm tone, making it clear there’s only one right answer.

“I’m not.”

I mean, it’s not really a lie. Wanting what you can’t have doesn’t count in the game of love.

Ooh, nice. Gotta remember that line for later.

“Great. So, it’s settled? Because I have to run,” Rena says.

“What? No. I?—”

“It’s going to be a beautiful moment. Historic, even. You’ll see,” Mae assures me. “Thanks, Rena. We’ll be in touch.”

“Hold on. I never said?—”

“Remember to cry,” Rena says as her screen goes dark.

If this actually happens, that won’t be a problem. I already feel the heaviness of tears building in my chest.

“I don’t want to do this. Please pull the plug,” I tell Mae, my voice trembling.

Her smile sags into a frown. “I don’t understand. What’s going on? This isn’t like you. You know we’re in a precarious position right now. If you want to keep creative control of your music, you’re going to have to give a little somewhere else.”

“I get that, but what they’re asking is too much. This joint tour is stressful enough. I don’t want to deal with an engagement as well.”

That was a good coverup, right?

“Okay, but?—”

“Mae, I’m telling you. You need to stop this. I’m not doing it.”

Mae’s eyes grow wide through the screen. Even Steve tenses at my stern command. Have I ever stood up for myself before? Probably not. At least, not when it mattered, but it’s my life, my career, and if I don’t want to be engaged, I shouldn’t have to be engaged. I’m tired of obeying orders. I’ve been doing what I was told for as long as I can remember. I didn’t even know I was capable of thinking for myself until Val came into my life and challenged me creatively. I’ve loved every second of exploring my art with him this past year, so maybe it’s time to explore my person as well.
