Page 93 of Stage Smart

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He rolls his eyes. “You know that’s not what I mean. I’m talking about Valerie and your girls. Think he can handle two at once?”

I swallow the lump in my throat. “I’m not sure they’re together.”

“No? Pretty sure they are.” He snaps his fingers, and Chad leans down. “Tell her what you told me earlier today.”

Chad nods eagerly. “There’s a reptile in New Zealand that has three eyes. It starts with a T, but it’s not a tortoise. It’s… crap. A taurus? No. Tua-loo?—”

“Not that,” Jarvis grunts. “About them.” He flicks his fingers toward the others.

“Oh! Yes. We think they’re having sex.”

Jarvis’ rapt attention has me on edge. We know he suspects Val has feelings for me. Does he suspect mine as well? I need to be very careful how I navigate this obvious trap.

“So what if they are?” I say in a bored tone. “They’re adults. It’s not like it’s the first time in history people have hooked up on a tour.”

Jarvis runs his gaze over me, and I do my best to ignore his intense stare.

“True, but won’t that get messy when things go bad?”

I shrug. “Who says they will? And how is that my problem anyway?”

“You’d have to choose between your producer and your lifelong friends.”

“Not necessarily, and besides, what exactly do you want me to do? Forbid them from seeing each other?”

“Whoa. No need to get defensive, sugar doll,” he says, holding up his hands.

“Don’t call me that.”

His gaze narrows on me, and I glare right back. After a short standoff, he sighs and pushes to his feet. “Let’s not tussle. Let’s do the hustle instead.”

He holds out his hand to me, and I cross my arms. “Let’s not.”

“Larinda, come on.”

“I don’t want to dance. I’m tired.”

His gaze goes cold as he crosses another look to Val. Crap. I should dance with him just to keep our cover, but the thought of being close to him right now sends a shiver through me. I’m counting the seconds until this whole thing is over and I can swap this frog for that prince.

“Fine,” he pouts. “You. Let’s do a lap,” he barks at Coriander and Sage.

They rocket to their feet with excited grins.

“Can we film it?” Sage asks.

“Sure. Whatever,” Jarvis mumbles, already halfway to the exit.

“Wait!” Coriander says, pulling out her phone. She turns the screen toward her and gives the peace sign. “Cagelicious to the dance floor!”

“We promised you all the things, Crew-bugs!” Sage says, poking her head into the frame. “Here’s another thing!”

They’re still babbling to their “fans” as they follow Jarvis out of view. His security (and Chad) accompany him, while Travis and J-Dawg stay with me and wall off access to us. They also provide a nice privacy screen.

Val and I stare at each other from our adjacent couches for almost a full minute, neither of us sure what to do. We can’t do what we want. We won’t do what we don’t want. So we sit and enjoy a moment of getting lost in each other’s eyes for a silent conversation.

“I want to be touching you,” Val’s look says.

“I want that too,” mine replies.
