Page 94 of Stage Smart

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“This is torture. I can’t wait until it’s over.”

“I know. We’ll figure it out.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, you?”


We exchange a smile, and I check the entrance again before stretching out my leg to brush his. He adjusts to settle even closer, and I can’t stop my foot from running up and down his leg. He closes his eyes, visibly frustrated as my strappy heel does what my hand and mouth want to be doing.

His gaze crosses to Travis and J-Dawg’s backs before he leans forward and runs his palm over my foot and up my ankle. A shiver runs through me as his fingers graze the smooth skin of my calf. Sometimes it’s not a good idea to touch someone you’ve been desperate to touch all night. This is probably one of those times.

I need so much more than this and glance at Travis and J-Dawg again.

Maybe if we…

They must sense our attention and throw a glance in our direction. I stiffen and pull away from Val, forcing a tight smile.

Travis frowns as his gaze passes between the two of us.

Oh no. Crap crap crap!

There’s no way he didn’t see that.

I shift even further from Val’s couch, but I don’t miss the look my bodyguards exchange. They know! They must. It’s literally their job to know everything. Heck, they’re supposed to know more than I do.

Val’s worried gaze lands on me. He must be concerned about the same thing.

What is wrong with you?! I yell at myself. How could you be so careless?

They wouldn’t say anything, would they? I mean, they’re on my team, right? My allies.

Travis leans toward J-Dawg and whispers something. J-Dawg nods, then straightens back to attention as Travis approaches.

“You don’t look well, Ms. Scott,” Travis says. “Maybe we should get you to a quieter, more secure location?”

I swallow the panic and force a smile. “No. I’m fine.”

He widens his eyes in a silent message and tilts his head toward the rear of the VIP area. “No, really. We’re worried about you.”

What’s going on?

I’m even more confused when Val jumps up. “Thanks, man. You’re right. She could definitely use some air.”

I give him a sharp look, and he returns a silent request to play along.

Hold on…

J-Dawg peeks back at me with an almost imperceptible smile. Travis has one too when I look closely. I narrow my eyes at them. Wait a second…

“Oh. Uh, yeah. That would be great,” I say as Travis takes my arm. Val flanks my other side, and J-Dawg leads us through the VIP area toward the private rooms. He whispers something to the host, whose eyes go wide as she nods with concern.

Soon we’re following her past several closed doors to an empty room at the end of the hall.

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