Page 33 of Vampire Secrets

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As Constantine held Cass in his grasp, his gaze locked onto Adrian with a chilling intensity. The room, filled with the echoes of battle a moment ago, was now charged by tense silence.

“Adrian,” he spoke with a voice that held a sinister edge. “I will release the child unharmed, if you give me your heart.”

“No!” I shouted, my hands flying over Adrian’s chest, as if Constantine might pull Adrian’s heart out of his chest with his eyes alone.

Adrian didn’t say anything. His pressed his hands to mine, and I could feel his hastened heartbeat.

“Go to hell!” I shouted again, but I knew there was no point.

“I plan to bring hell here,” Constantine corrected me amusedly. “You’ve wasted enough of my time, all three of you. I want what is mine by my birth right!”

He was about to say something else, when Adrian suddenly pushed me away. I turned to him, wondering why he would do that, but on first glance, I knew why. The ultimatum presented by Constantine had pushed Adrian to his breaking point. Watching him, fear and astonishment gripped me.

Adrian’s form began to change, and I watched in both awe and terror as his features shifted. His once-human eyes now gleamed with an unearthly light, and his physical presence seemed to waver between two worlds. The transformation was swift and otherworldly, a stark manifestation of the power that surged within him. I could feel the sheer force of his anger and determination, a maelstrom of emotions that had given rise to this supernatural metamorphosis. My heart pounded with a mixture of fear and awe as the truth of his vampiric nature became undeniable.

The whole room seemed to hold its breath as Adrian, now transformed into a vampire, stood before us, a formidable and terrifying presence. His eyes, once warm and compassionate, had taken on a mesmerizing and otherworldly quality. They gleamed with a piercing intensity, the color of molten silver, as though they held the secrets of centuries past and the mysteries of the unknown.

His pale complexion, bathed in the eerie torchlight of the room, bore a flawless and unearthly pallor. His raven-black hair cascaded over his shoulders, a stark contrast to his pale visage, and the darkness of his locks seemed to absorb the very essence of the room. Adrian’s form appeared more sinewy and graceful, like a creature of the night that had been sculpted by ages of survival and power. His strength and speed were evident in the fluidity of his movements, and he moved with an otherworldly grace that spoke of a predator at the peak of its abilities.

His fangs, elongated and glistening, were the hallmark of his vampiric nature, and they were a chilling reminder of the new reality that had unfolded. Adrian, now a vampire, was a force to be reckoned with, his powers and presence a testament to the supernatural world that existed beyond the realm of mortals.

It all happened in an instant. Adrian launched himself at Constantine with breathtaking speed. The air crackled with tension as their clash was swift and violent as a lightning strike. Cass rushed over to my side and I cradled her in my arms, unable to take my eyes off of the confrontation that was taking place in front of us.

Adrian’s movements were a blur of supernatural agility and strength as he closed the distance between them. His fangs bared, his eyes gleaming with molten silver intensity, he clawed at Constantine without mercy. The room seemed to shudder with the force of their confrontation. The clashing of two powerful vampires was a breathtaking spectacle, their movements a symphony of swift strikes and evasive maneuvers. They moved with speed I was barely able to follow, evading and striking in a dance of supernatural combat.

Constantine met Adrian’s attacks with his own lethal prowess, as his silver eyes mirrored the same molten intensity, as he fought with the strength of a creature who had thrived on darkness and power for centuries. It was obvious that only one of them would leave the old mill alive.

Blood splattered against the walls, while growls filled the air around us. Each strike resonated with the weight of centuries-old grudges, doubts and fears, accentuating the ancient promise, the ancient feud and the prophecy that would never come true.

In a climactic and intensely fought battle, Adrian’s newfound vampiric abilities proved to be a decisive advantage. With a final, powerful onslaught, he managed to subdue Constantine, pinning him to the ground with an unyielding grip. Constantine’s struggles and resistance were formidable, but Adrian's resolve and strength were unwavering. The room seemed to hold its breath as the two vampires grappled with one another, and the outcome of their relentless struggle hung in the balance.

The room fell into an eerie silence, save for the labored breathing of the combatants, their confrontation had reached its zenith, and the fate of our family and the world itself was now in Adrian’s hands.

Suddenly, he turned to me with those deep, silvery eyes which I didn’t recognize. He was breathing heavily.

“Mom?” Cass shuddered behind me.

“It’s okay, sweetheart,” I assured her. “It is your father. He would never harm us.”

I was absolutely certain of that. This battle was a test of wills, a clash of ancient powers and rivalries that had to come to an end. I knew what he had to do now, and the fact that he lingered proved to me that even in his vampire form, there was still so much humanity inside of him.

Adrian’s eyes fell on Cass. “Leave!” he growled at us in a voice I didn’t recognize.

I felt Cass tremble at the sound, and I pulled her even closer to me. “It’s okay,” I repeated. “Come…”

I knew what Adrian needed to do. I also knew that he didn’t want to do it in front of our daughter, to traumatize her for the rest of her life. Gently, I took her out of the dark confines of the mill, our hearts heavy with the weight of the events that had transpired within. The night seemed to stretch on endlessly, and the cool breeze outside felt like a bittersweet reprieve from the haunting stillness of the mill.

My gaze lingered on the entrance, where Adrian remained. The tension of the moment hung in the air, and I couldn’t help but worry if this might have repercussions for him. Cass clung to my hand, her wide eyes reflecting the uncertainty and fear that swirled within me. We were a family forever altered by the supernatural forces at play. But we were still a family, nonetheless and that was what we would remain forever, no matter what.

It felt like we had been waiting forever for Adrian to come out, wondering in what form he would emerge. I knew that he had to end Constantine’s reign of terror, but I was grateful that we were not forced to watch. We had already seen enough fear and bloodshed for an entire lifetime.All I wanted now was to go home with my husband and daughter, and continue living the life I had chosen for myself, assuring their happiness every single day.

At that very moment, Adrian emerged, and I knew it all.

Chapter Twenty-One


I would never wash this blood off my hands. I knew that much. But I also knew why I did it. I did it to keep my family safe. I would do anything for them. I would kill for them. I would die for them, over and over again. I would go through hell and back just to see that they were safe and that was exactly what I had done.
