Page 7 of Vampire Secrets

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We shared stories of my father’s adventures, tales of his interactions with the castle staff, and the way he had a deep understanding of each person’s role in the kingdom. Iris spoke of his unwavering commitment to the well-being of the people and how he had a knack for putting them at ease. As I sipped the warm tea, I leaned in, eager to hear more about the man who had been both my father and a beloved ruler. Iris’ eyes sparkled with the fond memories she recounted.

“He had a way of making everyone feel important,” she began, her voice soft with reverence. “No matter their station in life, he listened to their concerns, celebrated their achievements, and addressed their needs. He knew the names of every servant, every guard, and their families. It was as if he had a sixth sense, understanding their struggles and joys.”

I nodded in agreement, feeling a rush of pride for my father’s remarkable qualities. “He had a genuine connection with people. I remember how he used to spend time with the children in the village, sharing stories and wisdom. It was as if he had an endless well of kindness to offer.”

Iris continued. “He was never too busy to lend an ear or offer a kind word. His presence was like a soothing balm for the entire kingdom and he had a unique gift for making people feel valued.”

I couldn’t help but smile, recalling the countless instances when my father had taken a personal interest in the lives of those around him. “I remember he used to visit the castle kitchens and share recipes with the cooks. They adored him for it.”

Iris chuckled softly, a twinkle of nostalgia in her eyes. “Indeed, he had a real passion for food.”

We continued to exchange stories, lost in the enchanting memories of my father’s compassion and understanding. It was true that the entire kingdom would miss him, not just us, his family. But right now, it was as though his spirit filled the room, reminding us of the love he had shared and the legacy he had left behind.

After our heartfelt conversation, Iris excused herself with a warm smile. “Thank you for this wonderful conversation, Your Highness. I can see that your father has taught you what truly matters in life. I know that he is looking upon you, with pride in his heart.”

I returned her smile, appreciative of her presence and the comforting stories we’d shared. “Thank you, Iris. Your stories have meant the world to me. Good night.”

As Iris left the study, the room seemed to hold the echoes of our conversation, and I was left with a sense of gratitude for the bonds that had been strengthened by my father’s legacy. But I couldn’t focus on that for much longer. Not when the mysteries of the scroll were still fresh in my mind. I continued my search in the study, sifting through my father’s collection of books, documents, and artifacts. However, despite my efforts, I found no further clues or references to the enigmatic scroll.

Frustration began to weigh on my shoulders, and it became clear that we might need to seek help from someone who had already proven to be an invaluable ally in our battle against Constantine and his evil vampire forces. However, the thought of reaching out to this person came with a sense of hesitation. I knew that Adrian might not be entirely comfortable with this idea. My father’s study, and now the scroll and its secrets were intrinsically linked to my family history, to Adrian’s history as well, and sharing this with anyone outside of our family meant delving into matters we had so far managed to keep private.

My husband had always been a private man, a man who did not like others to interfere in his affairs. I could understand that. But it was obvious that we needed help here. Father had not left us any clue regarding the scroll, only the mysterious story which we couldn’t even be certain if it was true or not. That was what had been eating us alive.

I needed to speak with Adrian and ask about this. We needed help. We couldn’t do this on our own. Not without an indication of what our next step should be. She has already helped us once. She might be able to do it again. She might even be willing to do so. But I knew that I couldn’t go and speak to her without talking to Adrian about it first. He always believed we could handle everything together. But this was proving to be bigger than anything we could have imagined.

Chapter Five


The weight of the newfound knowledge regarding my family bloodline still weighed heavily upon me, but I knew that life had to continue. Those were my thoughts as I was sitting in my study, my mind focused on the unfolding concerns in the kingdom. The moment Leopold, the commander of the king’s army told me this morning that he needed to speak to me, I knew that things had taken a turn for the worse.

A map lay open before us, showing the northern region, marked with various indicators, denoting the recent vampire attacks. Leopold stood by my side, discussing the urgent matter at hand. The man had always been a formidable presence in the kingdom, a man of strong stature, his silver-tinged hair a testament to the years of service and experience he had amassed.

His eyes, a deep shade of steel gray, held a resolute determination that had seen him through many battles. The wrinkles etched on his weathered face told the story of a man who had faced countless challenges, yet had emerged unyielding.

Leopold was not just a commander; he was a confidant and loyal protector of the kingdom, having served the late king. Growing up together with him, Leopold had not only been a trusted ally but a close friend. Their bond was forged through the crucible of shared experiences, and that history had instilled in Leopold a deep loyalty to the royal family.

Leopold’s stern expression mirrored my own unease. “Your Majesty, the vampire attacks in the north have become more frequent and aggressive. The local garrisons are struggling to contain the threat. We need to send reinforcements.”

The words weighed heavy on my shoulders. The safety of our kingdom and its people was my utmost concern, and the escalating vampire attacks posed a grave danger. I knew that a swift and strategic response was essential. Everyone expected us to protect them, just like the late king had always managed to do.

“Commander, assemble a unit of our best soldiers. They need to reinforce the garrisons in the northern territories immediately. We can't afford to let this threat spread further.”

Leopold nodded in understanding, his experience and authority a reassuring presence in times of crisis. “I’ll see to it at once, Your Majesty. Our soldiers will be ready to move with the utmost urgency.”

Leopold and I discussed the pressing matter of the northern vampire attacks, but our conversation naturally expanded to the challenges posed by neighboring kingdoms. During the late king’s lifetime, there had been talk of all the kingdoms coming together, both human and vampire, in an effort to fight off Constantine and show him that we would not yield to his reign of terror. However, fear was a powerful weapon that made even strong men weak.

“Your Majesty,” Leopold began, his voice carrying the weight of experience, “the situation in our neighboring kingdoms remains tense. The border disputes with Westoria have flared up once again, and Eastfield's diplomatic negotiations have been strained.”

I nodded, acutely aware of the complex geopolitical landscape surrounding our kingdom. “We must tread carefully, Leopold. The safety and security of our kingdom are paramount. Keep a close watch on the borders, and ensure our diplomatic envoys are prepared for any negotiations. Our strength lies in being both vigilant and diplomatic.”

Leopold’s gaze held a hint of concern as he replied, “I will see to it, Your Majesty. We will maintain our readiness while pursuing peaceful resolutions.”

“I am fortunate to have you by my side, Leopold,” I told him in all earnestness. “It is obvious why the late king thought so highly of you.”

Leopold smiled. “I could say the same of you, Your Majesty. The late king, may he rest in peace, held you in the highest regard. He often spoke of your unwavering dedication, your wisdom beyond your years, and your empathy for the people of our kingdom whom you have accepted as your own family. He had immense faith in your leadership.”

A surge of gratitude welled up inside of me as I listened to Leopold’s words. King Theodore’s belief in me, his vision of my potential as his successor, was a source of profound inspiration. As someone who had lost his entire family, he had taken me in and provided me with what I lacked the most and that was faith in human kindness, in love. It had always been my aspiration to live up to his expectations and serve his… well, now my kingdom to the best of my abilities.
