Page 46 of Florian's Bride

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They are giving you a chance to live away from home now, among those who share your interests and in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Princess, I know about your pain and doubts that make you question your place in the Cortez family.

But you never question your place in my life, do you?

I love having you home so we can keep up some of our traditions (like having ice cream every second Sunday of the month). However, you need to spread your wings.

Uncle Lucian is going against everything he believes in and his protective instincts to allow you this.

Your family can survive without you, Jimena.

And I guess that’s the hardest thing for you to accept.

The world won’t end if you act a little selfish.

In the future, you will be put in a lot of situations where you’ll have to choose…

Either yourself or your family.

And I hope you choose yourself.

Because what a pathetic waste of life it is to dedicate it to making someone else happy.


The music changes to a more sensual song while couples gather, snapping me out of my shock. “I’m not lost,” I tell him, stepping away from his embrace and bumping into someone, but he grabs my elbow, keeping me steady. “I’m sorry,” I mutter, searching for a way out and wondering where I can go to evade his attention. That will probably be a first for him, considering how many women are eyeing him right now while sending me death glares at the same time. They have nothing to worry about.

The man has no interest in me whatsoever.

“Why are you apologizing?”

His rather harsh question makes me look at him again, and I blink. “I’m not sure.” Okay, maybe I should start sounding like less of an idiot. “I’m going back to my table to wait for my friend there.” My reply is polite and basically tells him I have things to do, so I hope he will take it as a cue to leave me alone.

“Don’t apologize if you don’t know why you’re apologizing.” What? “I think it will take a while for your friend to come back.” He motions with his chin, and I follow the movement, seeing Vincent and Luna reach the second floor and disappear behind one of the doors. “Our VIP clients aren’t known to rush things once they get into their rooms.” My cheeks heat at the innuendo in his voice. “It must be your first time here.” I nod and still when he extends his splayed palm to me. “Florian Price. I’m one of the owners.”

He doesn’t recognize me despite me not doing anything to hide myself. The knowledge should send relief through me, but it only adds salt to the open wound, making it hurt more.

How insignificant I must be to my brother’s best friend that a wig and a mask that barely hides anything else can fool him into believing I’m someone else.

I should run away, but…

For the first time, I’m on the receiving end of his charm, and the curious and starving part inside me urges me to stay in his company longer and see his different side.

I place my hand into his, and the air hitches in my throat as the zipping electric volts travel down my spine at the contact, and I say, “Elena.”


“Just Elena.”

We hold each other's gazes for a few beats, and he raises my hand to his mouth, giving me a gentle kiss, and goose bumps break out on my skin from the touch. “Nice to meet you, Elena.” A smile curves his lips. “Make sure not to cause any wars in my club.”

Rolling my eyes, I tear my hand from his grip and cross my arms. “You just had to go there, huh?”

“Well, if the shoe fits. You’re beautiful.” Another freaking blush. “And there is no need to be offended, princess.”

For a brief second, I think he knows exactly who I am and plays along just to mess with me, especially after using the endearment he has used for years. However, another realization quickly smashes my suspicions, which further sours my mood.

Maybe he calls lots of women that.
