Page 61 of Florian's Bride

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The poison quickly gets into the bloodstream and freezes the entire body, forcing it to pump blood fiercely while speeding up the heartbeat, keeping the body alive for at least thirty minutes as inexplicable pain fills the host.

The highest form of torture is to lie there and not be able to do anything.

I turn back to him and ask again, “Well? Would you forgive them?”

“No,” he finally whispers, and a smile shapes my mouth at this because at least he’s honest. “It’s unforgivable.” A beat passes. “It’s an honest answer.”

“It is,” I agree, and I slowly go back to him, the glass crushing under my boots while he tenses. “But you see, I don’t give a fuck about your remorse.” I stab him hard right into his dick. He used it as a weapon in the past, harming so many children just to teach them a lesson, and now he screams so hard I cover his mouth, squeezing his jaw until it breaks in my grip.

I have no time for his cries either.

Tearing his hand from the nails, enjoying how half of his flesh is torn and bruised, I forcefully push him to lie on the floor with the blade peeking up from him and keeping the blood intact while he slowly starts—or rather, continues—to suffer. “May you never find peace, Peter, and I hope the devil has a special plan for you in the afterlife. Send him my warmest regards and remember, if we ever meet there? Run. Because I’ll kill you again.” I kick him in the face and spin around, despising his cowardly nature that reminds me of the hopeless boy I used to be.

I’ve killed all the men involved in that ring that took away everything from me, and there are only two players left.

Death is number one on my list, but right now, I don’t care about him because he’s an enemy who is easy to read and too old to do anything to me.

His adoptive psycho son, though?

He cannot be controlled, and there is no limit to his cruelty because, as a natural-born psychopath, the need to destroy rides him hard, which solidifies my decision.

Until I catch him, I can’t show my true intentions and emotions when it comes to Jimena. In fact, I have to do everything in my power to convince him otherwise.

Because my godparents and parents aren’t on his radar.

My best friends can protect themselves.

But my innocent girl?

She’s my weakness and one weapon he can always use against me, and I won’t allow him.

I’ll do everything to protect her.

Even if it means breaking her heart over and over again.


“No,” I whisper as I stare at the white stick in my hand, fear along with panic washing over me while my stomach flips several times. “No, no, no.”

I lean back on the wall, gripping the stick tighter as the word flashing from the display plays repeatedly in my head because it announces my upcoming doom.

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and swallow hard, hoping for the image to change, but once I look at it again, my illusions shatter, leaving me in the mess I’ve created all on my own.


Oh my God.

I’m pregnant!

How did this happen?

My cheeks heat as I sit on the edge of the bathtub and put away the stick, groaning because if there is one thing I know well, it’s how it happened.

“Come for me, princess,” he whispers over my skin right before biting into my flesh and driving hard into me, dragging me closer and closer to the unknown peak as my whole body tightens in anticipation. “Do it.”

Heat travels all over my system from the memories alone, the night imprinting itself on my mind as there is no break from the sensual images.

Or the coldness attached to it, because everything went to hell afterward.
