Page 21 of Gareth

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I gently parted her thighs, stepping between them to bring our bodies flush, cradling her face in one hand to tip her head back. I took my time trailing my eyes over the delicate features of her face, then her lips, before lowering mine to hers.

I made sure to kiss her slowly, gently. This wasn’t the time for unrestrained need, no matter how much I felt it pumping through me.

She tasted like mint and chocolate, and I slipped my free hand around her lower back, drawing her closer.

Serenity parted her lips for me, letting me all the way in. It was the sexiest approval, and I slipped my tongue between her lips, loving the little gasp as I flicked it along the roof of her mouth. Her fingers twisted into my shirt, her thighs clenching around my hips as she kissed me back, an edge of desperation in the way she moved against me.

Fuck me, she was everything.

Perfection and beauty in the way she responded to my every move.

I tipped her head back even more, kissing her at deeper angle, claiming her mouth in more dominating strokes that had her whimpering like when she’d taken a bite of her ice cream.

“Gareth,” she sighed against my lips.

My cock was hard and aching with one taste of her.

I smoothed my free hand over one thigh, savoring the feel of her silken skin beneath my fingers. Fuck, it would be so easy to tear off these little pajama shorts and feel if she was wet for me. From the way she was squeezing me with her thighs, I would bet money she was drenched.

Drenched and achy.

Her hands abandoned my shirt, and she wrapped her arms around my neck, almost like she needed to be as close to me as I needed to be to her.

I grazed my tongue along the edges of her teeth before sucking her bottom lip into my mouth, and damn near growled when she scooted farther off the counter, instinct driving her body to touch more of me.

The move had her barely there silk shorts hitting my rock-hard cock beneath my sweats, and I went wholly still. If I moved, I’d turn into a teenager, dry-humping her to an orgasm before she knew what was happening.

She deserved better than that.

Gently, I pulled away, smirking proudly at the way her lips were slightly swollen from my kiss. The idea of intentionally marking her made a drop of pre-come bead on my aching cock, but I took the pain, siphoned it, used it to remind me how fucking delicate she was.

The way she was looking at me wasn’t delicate at all. It was primal, carnal, and sexy as fucking sin for an angel like her.

Because that’s what she was, dressed in silky white, good down to her core.

“More,” she breathed the word.

It nearly broke me.

“I can’t,” I answered.

“You mean you won’t,” she corrected me, shaking her head as she scooped up her ice cream again. She wrapped her lips around the spoon, her eyes trailing down to what was clearly hard beneath my sweats. “Thank God for sweatpants,” she said after her bite. “Without them, I’d think you weren’t attracted to me.”

I growled. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” I said. “And as much as I would love to taste every inch of you, we both know that isn’t the answer to this.”


“No buts, angel,” I cut her off. “I promised to keep you safe,” I said, backing out of the kitchen. “And that includes from me.”

I turned around, disappearing from her sight before I lost all resolve.



“Where did you get that?” Gareth asked, his tone rough as his eyes trailed the length of my body.

It was one of our late-night kitchen run-ins. The ones I lived for. The ones that had happened every night for the past two weeks. I didn’t think it was by chance anymore. I was quite sure Gareth looked forward to them as much as I did.
