Page 49 of Intercept

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He frowned slightly, almost like he was hurt or something. "It meant something to me."

My heart leaped out onto the balcony, did a triple front flip, with full twist, then belly flopped into the waves.

"It did?" I asked, surprised and cautious. The next few seconds would decide whether or not I would reel my heart back in, or let it sink out there all alone.

"Yeah," he said.

I waited for more, but he didn't say anything.

"What did it mean?" I asked carefully.

"Oh." Apparently it dawned on him that he'd left me hanging. "It meant a lot. I—" He shifted on his seat. "I like you. Like, a lot."

"I like you too," I said. But he was Bam. He didn't do long-term. He did wham, bam, thank you ma'am. He left a trail of broken hearts behind him. If he stayed long enough for a woman to fall that hard.

The best thing I could do was to set the boundaries right now. We'd work together, but that was it. I'd draw a firm line in the sand and keep to my side of it. Not even a toenail would cross it.

Not now, not eve?—

Whatever I was thinking went out of my head when he lowered his mouth to mine.

This kiss was sweeter than the last, but somehow, hotter at the same time.

The breath went out of my body. My heart pounded like it just jumped out of the lake and climbed back up the side of the building.

His tongue pressed lightly against my lips.

My mouth opened to let him run the tip over my lips.

I should pull away now, but I deepened the kiss instead. The next thing I knew, he had his hands twined in my hair. They moved slowly down my back, then up, inside my red jumper.

His fingertips brushed bare skin.

My breath hitched.

"Do you want me to stop?" he asked.

I should have told him yes, I really should. Instead I said, "No, don't stop."

Fine, my subconscious said, we'll deal with the consequences later. Right now I didn't care. I just wanted, needed, to feel more, to be touched more, to be held more.

I helped him to pull my jumper over my head. He threw it. The red wool hit the side of the glass doors and slid to the floor. Another couple of centimetres and it would have ended up on the balcony. Or worse, in the water. I didn't want to fish things out of there for real.

I shivered in the breeze which blew in off the lake.

"Here." Bam stood and offered me his hand.

I took it and let him pull me to my feet. A moment later he swept me off them again.

Strong arms under my back and legs, he carried me up a flight of steps to the side of the room, up to a bedroom with a bed big enough for the whole team.

Okay, maybe not all of them, but a few.

He lowered me down on one side—he would have had to throw me to put me in the middle—and lay down beside me.

"Are you sure?" he asked before his mouth reclaimed mine.

I came up for air long enough to say, "Yes. I'm sure."
