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“But I’m a shifter. We heal super speedy. I can show you. I’ll go get one of my knives and?—”

My hair was pulled back so fast, it stung.

My body melted and I grinned up at him.

“You ever think about stabbin’ or shootin’ yourself to prove somethin’ to me, I’ll be livid, sunshine. And when I’m filled with fury, it means we ain’t fuckin’ or suckin’. But also, no huggin’, no touchin’, no kissin’.”

Pouting, I added in a glare since I was melty, wanted my way, but also annoyed he would keep those things from me. “Fine. I won’t. Just don’t be peeved at my brothers for something I led them into.”

His jaw clenched.

“Please?” I tried.

He sighed. “I’ll try not to be.” He released his grip, and I hugged him close.

“Thank you.” I took his hand again and we walked into the kitchen. Nox, Kieran, Deacon, and Rio were all there. “Hi, everyone. This is my fated, Corbin. But you have to call him Razor. Only I get to call him Corbin because it’s something special. He’s the one who kidnapped me to save me.” I stepped to the side, holding his arm up so he was on display more. “Isn’t he hot and awesome?”

Kieran cleared his throat and pushed his eyeglasses up. “I don’t think we’ll comment on his looks or awesomeness, Riker.”

I hummed and nodded. “Probably best. Corbin won’t like it if I get stabbed or shot again.”

“Maybe it’s also best if we don’t keep bringing up the….” Rio made a gun with his hand and then stabbed himself with his invisible knife into his chest.

I looked back to Corbin to see he was having a stare down with my brothers. I nodded. “True, true.” How did I defuse this situation? Did I really want to? Maybe it would be best if they just fought it out.

No. I didn’t want my mate hurt.

I wasn’t so worried about my brothers.

I mean, I was. I never wanted them dead. Never. We were a family.

Sighing, I moved into Corbin, and he wrapped an arm around my shoulders while I circled both of mine around his waist. I glowered at my brothers and mentally told them to quit looking at him with their coldness. If not, I’d let Corbin stab and shoot them.

“What’s for dinner?” I asked.

Food was always good to lessen tension. It did for me anyway.

“I have something to say first,” Corbin said. He glanced from Deacon, who sat at the table, to Nox, who stood behind Kieran where he sat at the counter. “Either of you injure Riker in any way, I don’t give a fuck if you and your animals can rip me apart, I’ll still be comin’ for you and I’ll have your blood.”

When Deacon and Nox kept silent, I looked to Rio for help. He stared at us blankly before he went back to cutting some meat.

Great, he was too interested in getting dinner ready than assisting in stopping a slaughter. I mean, usually I would like a bit of murdering before dinner, but not when it came with my mate.

Kieran clapped his hands. “Nox” was all he said.

Nox sighed. “Welcome to the fucking family. Threaten me again and I’ll—Jesus.”

Kieran elbowed him in the gut. “You were doing so well.”

Deacon snorted as he picked up a dinner knife and touched the pointy end with his finger before he waved it around. “Welcome, Razor. It’ll be good to get to know you.”

“Yay, everyone is getting along extremely well. This is a splendid time. I think I’ll grab my clothes and we’ll go?—”

“Sit down and eat with us.”

Spinning, I launched myself at Mom. “Mom.”

She cupped my cheeks and smiled down at me. “Hello, sweetheart. I’m so happy for you, and he is very handsome.”
