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When Ruth rushed from the room, I was right behind her.

Ruth slid into the driver’s seat, which meant I had to take the passenger. “Tell me about the job.”

“It was supposed to be a quick, easy in and out at a warehouse downtown. We had people watching one of the gangs in town. They’d made too much of a disturbance for us to leave them be. We weren’t sure if it would come to ending lives tonight, but it sounds worse than we thought.”

“What were these members doing that got the council on their radar?”

“They’re small fries in trading with drugs and weapons. Nothing like the cartel or other clubs. But they caught our council’s attention by robbing a few shifters’ places. We thought they were targeting the shifters for a reason. Now, we doubt it, but we’ve still kept an eye out because their trade has been picking up lately. It’s time to put a stop to their business dealings. They’ve also done some car lifting and burglaries. I don’t understand why they would have children in there.”

“What did Deacon say?”

“The children look malnourished and abused. How far the abuse has gone, we don’t know yet.”


“Do we go in when we get there? What’s gonna happen?”

“We’ll sneak in and see if we’re needed and proceed from there. You’re armed. I know because I can scent it. Use it if you have to. If we get separated, protect your life at all costs.”

Riker’s would come first. Still, I tipped my chin up, not wanting to argue. “How’d Deacon call in the first place?”

“It wasn’t Deacon on the phone. He relayed his message to Dash, who was keeping watch, and then asked him to call me. Dash is an elf we trust. He can speak telepathically.”

An elf? Riker had mentioned other species, but I hadn’t taken it in.

“With pointy ears and all?”

Ruth snorted. “Yes.”

Fucking hell. An elf.

My world had just become a whole lot bigger.

Grunting, I rubbed my palms up and down my thighs. None of that eye-opening bullshit mattered right now. My only focus was making sure Riker came out of this situation okay. I was all too aware this could screw with him. I’d help in any way I could. Deacon and Nox had their fated mates to calm them later. I was it for Riker, and hell, I was glad we’d met so I could be there for him now.

Ruth pulled over and we climbed out. She pressed a finger to her lips, and once I nodded, we moved off toward a large brick warehouse.

Lights shone from within. Voices filtered out of the structure. We crept around the side to the long, thin walkway, which had a field to the left of it.

Why were there no guards outside?

Unless the gang found Riker and his brothers and they were all inside. But wouldn’t they keep someone on watch still?

A figure stepped out of some shrubbery. I had my gun out and pointed in seconds.

Ruth placed her hand over it as voices rose from inside the building.

I jolted when a voice slammed into my mind. Ruth has asked me to connect you into our conversation.

What had Ruth called him? Dash?

The elf nodded. Yes, I’m Dashiell. A friend to your mate.

Lowering my gun, I opened my mouth to reply until Ruth shook her head and tapped at her temple.

How do I even talk?

The corner of Dash’s lips tipped up. As you are now.
