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She saw my smile, rolled her eyes, and walked off.

I stayed low so no one spotted me over the boxes and moved along behind them. The brothers and gang kept firing back words at each other, but I pushed it all aside to concentrate on my surroundings. I didn’t want any surprises coming my way. I couldn’t fuck this up. Riker’s own sanity was at risk. If Riker decided to attack and kill in front of those kids, traumatizing them, that’d mess Riker up more than anything.

With the brothers distracting the gang, possibly make the idiots think they had the upper hand, it left me to sneak around easily.

At the end of the corridor stood a guy who looked like he could use a good meal and a shower. Low hanging jeans were loose on his hips, his chest bare. Scabs marred his back and arms. Junkie. He tapped his left hand on his thigh while he pointed a gun toward Nox, Deacon, and Riker, moving it over the three of them.

The brothers stood together on the far side where Ruth would be. I’d picked the area where the gang loitered. Also, on my side and close to the man in front of me, were the kids huddled together on the ground. Three other gang members surrounded them.

The rest of the gang stood around the man who was the clear leader. The asshole held a crying little girl in front of him.

How the hell was I going to get the kids out without the gang just shooting me?


Reaching out, I hooked an arm around the junkie’s throat and pressed my gun to his temple.

He gripped my arm with his free hand before he choked and scratched at my arm. He wasn’t fighting too hard, though, and at least the voices of the others still arguing blocked the struggle.

When I tightened my arm, cutting off his air supply more, he finally stilled.

“Lay your gun on the fuckin’ floor quietly.” I forced his stunned body to bend, and he slowly placed his gun to the concrete floor. I dragged him behind the boxes. He started to kick back and slap at me but lost consciousness in moments. I laid his body to the floor.

Straightening, I rolled my shoulders before I stepped back around the boxes. I noticed none of the gang members had even looked this way. They didn’t realize they’d lost a member. But Nox and Deacon did. Hell, they likely heard me. Their glance was quick, though, not wanting to draw more attention my way.

I didn’t think Riker had even registered.

Christ. They really were this stupid. Unless they were too doped up on their own product, remaining oblivious to someone approaching them from behind. Then again, they probably thought they still had men outside.

Didn’t matter what it was.

I had to get this shit done.

“Just fucking leave” was screamed from their leader.

This was spiraling fast, the leader losing all control and composure.

As I strolled out further with my gun at my side, none of the gang that stood with the kids, looked my way. Everyone’s attention was trained on the brothers.

A definite advantage for me.

Deacon noticed me and flinched with surprise. Maybe they hadn’t recognized my voice and thought other help had shown. Nox was next, his brows rising. Riker, in human form, was too busy crouching and crawling in front of his brothers while watching the leader like he was prey.

I shouldered my way into the group around the leader and just before I reached him, others finally noticed.

Noise rose.

Voices yelled.

Someone tried to grab for me, and I dodged them.

Slipping behind the leader, I pressed my gun to his spine while wrapping my arm around his neck. I twisted us to face his members. Unfortunately, his grip on the girl didn’t loosen.

Raising my gun, I tapped it against the leader’s temple. “Tell them to back the fuck off and let go of the girl.”

Cackling started. Riker. I flicked a glance to him. He now stood and grinned. When I moved my attention back to the gang, I heard clapping.

“Oh, hey, and yay, that’s my man. He’s my man. Come to save the day. It reminds me of when he kidnapped me. Shoot him, lover boy.”
