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Control me.

Mark me.

“It’s closer than my place, Riker. Seeing you fight and protect got me hard, sunshine. Wanna be inside you as much as you want me to be.”

Slowly, I slid his hand down to cup my erection. “Can I call you ‘daddy sir’ again?”

“Anything you want, pretty boy.”

My stomach rolled in the best way with tingles and sprinkles.

“Are we there yet?”

His laughter filled the car. I’d been surprised when Deacon gave Corbin permission to drive his toy. Although, my brother was happily surprised over my amazing mate.

“Soon,” he said, squeezing my cock, making me pant out a breath.

“We could just pull over and you can fuck me.”

“Your brother will kill me if we get jizz in his car.”

“Outside?” I suggested. I wasn’t picky where we were.

He squeezed again. “It’s just up the road. How about you tell me what happened in there before Ruth and I arrived?”

“Boo, that’s boring.” I sighed. “But fine.” I pulled his hand away from my prick so I wouldn’t get distracted and played with his fingers while I told him, “We scouted the area for a while first. Called in Dash. Helped him get rid of the dickheads outside before we moved in. We thought we were dealing with a gang for other issues, but they’d stepped up their game and were looking at wanting to….” My upper lip rose, and a growl rolled out. “Did you see their bruises?”

“The kids’? Yeah.”

“They were hungry and thirsty as well. We could see it, hear it. They’d suffered all because those men wanted to sell them to who knows who.”

“They’re safe now,” he reminded me, calming me by sweeping his hand out of both of mine to clamp it to the back of my neck. “Your council will find out who they were going to sell them to, and they’ll send you and your brothers out to deal with them. No one who’s willin’ to buy a kid is good news.”

“They’re not.”

“We’ll find them. I know it.”

I turned toward him. “You said we. Does that mean you want to assist us on jobs?”

He cocked a brow. “Would you want me to?”

“Yes. Yes. Yes,” I said, bouncing with each word. “I know you can take care of yourself. Plus, my brothers and I wouldn’t take you on jobs where there’ll be a lot of straight-up killing because you could get shot. We get shot all the time. We just heal quicker than humans. But if situations like before happen, I want you with me. I want you with me all the time, but just not on those deadly ones when we’re all slaughter, kill, stab, bite right away.”

He grinned. “Got you, sunshine, and that sounds good to me. I’d be happy to come help on jobs like that one. Before, when you were getting dressed, Ruth said she’d check with the council, but I think they’ll let me.”

I clapped as excitement bubbled in my stomach. “That would be amazing.” Until a thought popped into my mind and my shoulders drooped. “But what about your club? Your brothers? Your businesses?”

He tapped my chin until I raised my head, and he placed his hand on my thigh. I wrapped both of mine around his again. “Don’t stress, yeah? We’ll figure it all out since it seems we have a long time together.” He grinned.

“Ruth told you all about that?”

“Yeah, sunshine. I couldn’t be happier to know I got more days to spend with you.” He winked. “I know I’ll have to leave the club and my brothers, but that ain’t any time soon. I wanna enjoy what we have in our lives now and worry about that shit later. Though, I don’t think leavin’ will be too much of a worry. Got no blood family of my own to hold me here. They’re all dead. Besides, I’ll have you and my new family. A new club of our own. Besides, I know Spade will take care of the brotherhood like I do.”

“Is it too soon to say I love you? Because I do. I love you. You’ve accepted me, my ways, my fox, my family, and gone with everything that’s happened like the best person in my world. I-I never felt so much happiness in my chest”—I tapped there—“before, and I know you’ll keep filling me with more. I’m sorry if it’s too soon to say ‘I love you’ and it scares you off, but you’re kinda stuck with me anyway now, with the biting and claiming and all, which means that if I did scare you and you run, I’ll come after you. I’ll find you. And I’ll make sure to tie you to a bed to remind you that we can be perfect together.”

My breaths panted out of me through my nose since I was biting down on my bottom lip in worry while thinking I’d said too much.

Corbin went back to killing the steering wheel with both hands. His jaw clenched. He also breathed hard through his nose.
