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“Got a situation, Prez,” Coms said through the door.

“Be down soon.”

“Better hurry. Writer’s makin’ a scene about findin’ cameras in his room.”

“Got it,” I called, and then muttered, “Fuck.” I swiped a hand over my face and used the other to tap Riker’s perky ass. “Up, sunshine.”

He kissed my pec and jumped out of bed, full of beans already.

“Thought you’d be sore, boy,” I said.

We’d fucked another two times since we couldn’t get enough of each other and then talked about a bit of everything before we showered in the early hours and crashed.

I pulled my sluggish body out of the bed, watching Riker getting dressed like he’d been awake for hours. I was sure we only got a few minutes of sleep.

“Oh, I am sore, but I love knowing how much you wanted my hole.”


He beamed. “Good.” He skipped over to me as I finished doing up my jeans and picked up a tee. On his tiptoes, he puckered, and I chuckled but bent to meet his lips. “I need food before I get hangry.”

“Can’t have you hangry, sunshine. Never know who you’ll stab.”

His eyes widened. “You get me.” He rushed over to the door while I slipped on my cut over my tee.

“Shoes?” I asked, putting my socks and boots on.

He cocked his head to the side. “Do I have to?”

Grinning, I shook my head. He’d already told me he liked being naked, and if he couldn’t do that, he wanted bare feet in any place he could. Except on jobs.

He blew me a kiss, opened the door, and raced out.

“Riker,” I called.

“Food,” he called. “You wore me out last night and you promised there are always meals available. I want to see what they’ve got.” He raced off without me.

Snorting, I closed my door and made my way down to the common room. When I entered, I quickly noted there were no women around and not all brothers lingered, though the room was still busy.

Writer jumped up from a chair at one of the tables when he saw me.

“Sit the fuck down,” Spade roared.


“Shut it,” I ordered.

“I’ve been here longer than you, boy?—”

“Don’t call me boy,” I snarled, striding up to where he still stood. “Your VP told you to sit the fuck down. Do it.”

“I’m too old for this shit. I’m outta?—”

“Try to leave and you won’t get far.” I stepped closer. “Sit. The fuck. Down.”

Writer plonked down with a scowl, but I caught his gulp and the sweat beading over his brow. I wasn’t sure why he hadn’t run already when he found the cameras, but more fool to him for not trying. Even though we would’ve collected him soon after he left.

The kitchen door at the far end of the room opened and Riker strolled out holding a tray full of food and drinks. He stared down at it hungrily.
