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“Probably never. They’re a little possessive of their guys, and if a brother looked at either of them wrong, my brothers will kill them.”

“So, they’re like you?”

Snorting, I shook my head and playfully pushed her gently. I didn’t want her body to go flying if I used all my strength. It’d be a shame to see her body go splat into the wall.

“I haven’t killed anyone in the club. Yet.”

“Yet, you say.” Laughing, she caught sight of Reckless as he walked out of the kitchen. “I’m feeling kind of hungry.”

“Oh, I know that hunger. Go get him, sweet pea.” As she walked by, I slapped her on the ass. I only did it because Corbin wasn’t bothered by mine and Lynette’s friendship. He thought it was cute how I’d taken all the women in the club under my legs. Besides, he knew I was completely his in every way.

I quickly went to our room, washed at record speed, dressed, and raced outside to where my mate waited for me as he sat astride his ride. I climbed on the back and placed on the helmet he gave me.

“Ready, Daddy Sir,” I called, wrapping my arms around his waist. Well, they were nearly all the way around. He was a big man after all.

Corbin ran his hand along my arm and held mine to his stomach. It was his way of telling me to hold on tight before we set off.

I had, on many occasions, offered to take my own bike. But my Corbin liked having me close. Liked knowing he could reach for me if anything happened.

He also got a wee angry when we had gone riding and I’d taken a few corners at crazy speeds. I got my ass tanned good and proper that night. It’d been awesome. But I also didn’t like worrying my daddy, so I stuck to being a passenger. I liked being hugged up to him too.

When we pulled into the garage a short while later, I could already smell dinner cooking.

I jumped off and placed my helmet on the rack to the wall. An arm wound around my chest and lips touched down to my neck as Corbin put his next to mine.

He took my hand and pulled me along toward the kitchen. I liked to linger behind, enjoying seeing my smaller hand in his big tattooed one. It warmed my belly each and every time, like it was now.

“Hey,” Corbin called as we entered.

“Hi.” I grinned.

“You two reek,” Nox said.

“Leave them be,” Mom said as she hugged us both quickly.

“Where’s Grey?” I asked. He was Mom’s fella, who we’d come to accept and love.

“He’ll be by later. Busy with work.”

“Dinner’s nearly ready,” Rio said.

“Riker, set the table,” Deacon ordered.

“Please,” Corbin added, gripping the back of my tee when I made to move over there.

Deacon’s jaw clenched. My mate and oldest brother had a love-hate relationship. But I knew one day it would turn into a buddy friendship. Nox was just an ass to everyone but Kieran, so I didn’t bother worrying about him getting along with Corbin. Still, Nox liked him enough not to kill him and accept his help on jobs.

Through clenched teeth, Deacon said, “Riker, please set the motherfucking table. Right now.”

“I can do it,” Kieran put in, our peacekeeper, but Nox curled an arm around him, holding his mate in his chair as he watched on with a smirk.

Corbin’s upper lip rose, but he released his hold on me. I jumped at him, kissed him swiftly, and skipped over to the kitchen area. I gave a brief side hug to Rio, and even Deacon, who grumbled under his breath but patted my back, and then I got what I needed. My mate helped me lay everything out because he was the sweetest man who ever graced my world.

By the time we were all seated and the food hit the table, my stomach howled in complaint.

Corbin took my plate from in front of me and piled the food on. I smiled up at him before I turned back to the others, listening and watching them. Mom was on the phone to Grey, telling him she’d leave him a plate. Nox dished up Kieran’s food, as Deacon did Rio’s. They smiled and talked softly to their mates.

All of us were the happiest we’d ever been.
