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Chapter 1


I take a sip of my water as soft piano music plays. Restaurant patrons converse softly, enjoying their meal and each other’s company. Honestly, I’m not very hopeful that this rendezvous with my family is going to be half as nice.

I haven’t seen them in almost eight years, and somehow my dad convinced me to let my step-sister stay with me in Chicago for a few weeks this summer.

It’s not that I dislike my family. They’re good people. I’ve just always felt like the black sheep. All of them are outgoing and involved with the community. I prefer my own company, choosing to spend my free time in my apartment. You’d think I’d get tired of it considering my job as a software engineer allows me to work from home, but most people get on my nerves, and I’ve always been good at keeping myself entertained.

I kept to myself when I lived at home, too. I had friends and a computer; I wasn’t interested in much else. They seemed equally unimpressed by me. Though my dad occasionally tried to make us act like a “regular family,” it felt forced. My stepmother never stopped talking, my dad was checked out, and my stepsister, Alexis – an awkward little girl ten years my junior who barely said a word – seemed to count the days until she could be back with her father.

I always felt a little bad for Alexis. Though I didn’t spend much time with her, I always made sure she at least felt safe in our home. We never had a sibling bond, but I still wanted to look out for her.

My dad seems happy enough with my stepmom, and I’m happy for him. But that doesn’t mean I want to spend time with them.

A waiter brushes by me, and I sigh as I bring my chair closer to the mahogany table. When I check my watch, I realize I’ve been waiting on their arrival for nearly twenty minutes. As I’m wondering whether or not they’re coming, I hear my stepmother’s distinct, shrill voice from the other side of the establishment.

“Oh, there he is,” she says as she charges forward, waving at me excitedly. My dad follows closely behind her, and on his heels is a young woman with a gorgeous mane of curly brown hair.

It has to be Alexis. She looks so different from the last time I saw her. Instead of being a tiny carbon copy of her mom, her looks have become sharper. I can still see her mother’s genetics, but she’s uniquely gorgeous. Her blue eyes are striking, reminding me of the ocean. The dress she wears is low-cut, showing off the tiny bit of cleavage she’s sporting. My cock starts to stir in my boxers like it has a mind of its own.

I chastise myself as I stand to greet them, forcing myself to tear my eyes away from my stepsister. When I extend my hand to my stepmother, she ignores it and pulls me into a bone-crushing hug. Awkwardly, I return it. After she releases me, my dad steps up, blessedly welcoming me with a handshake.

“Good to see you again, son,” he says before letting me go.

“Good to see you, too,” I reply, the sentiment not really reaching my voice.

I turn to Alexis, unsure of if I should hug her or shake her hand or just say hello. She takes the guesswork out of it for me, opening her arms and stepping in close. Embracing her is electric, and despite the fact that I’ve been with numerous women over the years, I feel like she’s the person I’m supposed to marry. There’s no explanation, but it’s a gut feeling I’m unable to ignore.

When we part, she looks up at me with her bright blue eyes, and I can tell she feels it too. Her perfect, pink lips are parted in awe. A beat passes before I come to my senses, dropping my arms and clearing my throat.

“The chicken parmesan here is incredible,” I say as I settle back into my chair, prompting everyone else to take their place at the table. Our parents go around to the other side, leaving the place next to me open for Alexis.

“That’s my favorite,” Alexis says, giving me a smile that lights up her entire face.

Before I formulate a response, our waitress comes to the table with glasses of water for everyone. My step-mom asks her for a recommendation, ordering the daily special. My dad asks for the same. Then, when the waitress gives Alexis her attention, she orders the chicken parmesan.

“Make that two,” I say when it’s my turn. After the woman walks off, I ask, “So, how have things been?”

“The same,” my dad says, his cup halfway to his mouth. “Jim finally retired.”

“Alexis just declared a computer design major,” my stepmom says excitedly, ignoring my dad's comment about his coworker.

“Software design,” Alexis corrects.

“Same thing,” she says with a wave of her hand. “Isn’t that the field you’re in, Jacob?”

I make a noise of affirmation in response.

“Maybe you could teach me some industry tricks,” Alexis says, playfully knocking her elbow into mine.

If she were anyone else, the action would have annoyed me. Instead, I find myself leaning into the touch. Before I get carried away, I remind myself that she’s my stepsister and firmly off-limits. I need to say something.

“I could give you a few pointers,” I say kindly.

“Anything to give me a leg up,” she replies, scrunching her nose in an adorable way. “You know, since it’s a male-dominated field and all.”

“If you’re good at what you do, I’m sure there isn’t going to be a problem,” I say, resisting the urge to reach out and grab her hand to reassure her. “You get good grades?”
