Page 129 of Whoa

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I definitely left skid marks on the floor as I rushed to fulfill that request. I mean, hell yeah.

Her knees were still parted from when I stood between them before, so I bulldozed right in, wrapping my arm around her waist and colliding our chests with enough force she arched over my arm.

My lips slanted over hers enthusiastically, both our bodies bowing as I kissed her with everything I’d kept hidden for years. My brain whispered I should ease into it, but the rest of me was too far gone. The desperation to claim her, to confirm she was mine, was unmatched by anything else.

She made a small sound deep in her throat that went straight to my balls, and I licked over the seam of her lips. They parted with a breathy sigh, which I gobbled up like the starved man I was and swept my tongue into her mouth, coaxing hers to mate with mine. She tasted like coffee and I like chlorine, a combination that should not work but was now my favorite flavor. Her hands pushed through my short strands of hair and up to the top where she anchored her fingers, my scalp tingling from the way she tugged me closer. My arm started to quiver from the weight of our bodies, and I gentled my tongue, drawing back to suck her bottom lip between mine. I nibbled and licked the plump flesh as a vivid image of those lips wrapped around my dick the night before flashed into my mind.

Groaning, I kissed across her jaw. Her head fell back, and I reached up to cradle it as I dragged hot, wet kisses down her neck. She arched against me, breasts flattening against my chest as her hips moved restlessly. My body moved instinctively, shifting so I could thrust my raging hard-on right against her core.

Ripples of ecstasy forced a groan right out of me, the friction of our bodies so powerful my lips dropped away from her skin. Panting, I thrust into her again, my rigid cock stabbing at her core with desperation.

She gasped, and I drew back, shifting my hips from the center of hers. “Sorry, sweetheart, he doesn’t have any manners,” I said, reaching between us to try and adjust my rock-hard dick before pulling her up to sit. Sheepish, I said, “I really meant what I said about going slow.”

“Four years is slow.”

I froze. “What?”

“I mean, technically, it’s longer because we met in middle school.” She peeked up at me, cheeks fuchsia. “Didn’t you say you knew when we met?”

I nodded dumbly. “The very minute.”

I watched her chew her bottom lip before leaving it to say, “Don’t you think that’s enough foreplay?”

My cock literally sprang between us, tenting my sweats in a way that should have been embarrassing but wasn’t. For one, he was as good-looking as the rest of me. And two, it was irrefutable proof of how much I wanted her.

“What are you saying?” I asked, trying to be the good guy. Trying to make sure I wasn’t thinking with my good-looking dick.

Her fingers spider-crawled over my forearm and up toward my bicep where she pinched the fabric of my hoodie and tugged. “We’re alone in this house right now.”

I groaned.

“Maybe we should go upstairs.”

A haze of desire dropped over my mind, clouding my thoughts and vision with pure lust. Too far gone to think of something flirty or polite, I grasped her chin and pulled her face up. “If I carry you up those stairs, I’m gonna rip off all your clothes and bury my dick in your body. I’m gonna claim you the way I’ve always wanted and never let you go. So if you aren’t all in with me, then you’d better say so right now because I’m not just taking your first time. I’m laying claim to all of them.”

She gasped. “Who says I’m a virgin?”

I rolled my eyes. “Please, woman. You think I didn’t chase off every guy who ever came sniffing around?”

Her mouth dropped open.

I crossed my arms over my chest, and my dick spasmed as if it were angry we had to have a conversation. See? Mannerless.

“You didn’t,” she refuted.

I made a rude noise. “Fuck yes, I did. Lame-ass losers coming around. There were a lot more than you think too. I got to most of them before they even approached. A couple sneaky bastards got around me. I got rid of them, though.”

“Benjamin Hayes Kruger,” she threatened.

“Jessica Anne Park.” I wasn’t scared.

Even though she was perched on the table, she still fisted her hands on her hips and glared. “Are you telling me you’re the reason I’ve never had a boyfriend?”

“Yep,” I said, popping the P at the end. I was mighty proud of myself.

Throwing her arms up in the air, she exclaimed, “I thought I was ugly and no one wanted to date me!”

My arms dropped from my chest. “What?” Was this girl for real? Did she not own a mirror?
