Page 39 of Collision

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Heat flushes my cheeks instantly.

“What do we have here?” Sam grins at me. I yank my underwear out of his hands and push it back into my drawer.

“None of your business. And if you don’t tease me about it right now, I might think about wearing it for you one day.”

Sam mimes zipping his lips. “If you don’t follow through on that promise, you can bet your tight ass I’ll get revenge.”

I laugh. “Understood.”

We finish adding clothes to the bag together until Sam declares it perfect. He loops the strap of my duffle over his shoulder and starts back for the door. “Let’s get on the road.”

“Wait, where are we going? And aren’t you tired? You just finished a shift.” Despite not having my questions answered, I grab the container of blueberry muffins I made last night and a to-go cup of coffee before following Sam out to his black truck.

He’s driving away from my house when he finally answers. “We had a quiet night, so I managed some sleep last night. After I got home this morning, I decided we both needed some time together, away from our hectic lives.”

“What if I’d have been busy this weekend?” I argue just because.

“You’d have protested a little harder before we left.” Sam winks at me.

I tilt my head in agreement. “And you’re not going to tell me where we’re going?”

“Nope. I’m pretty sure you’re not going to be happy with me. However, I think it’s exactly what we need.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “If you know I’m not going to like it, then why the hell are we going?”

“Because you’ve been working so damn hard, and a couple of days away will be just the thing to recharge your battery.”

I hum. “You might have a point. But I reserve the right to be grumpy about wherever we’re going.”

Sam laughs. “Fair enough. Now, are you planning on sharing those muffins, or are they just for you?”

“I’m not sure you deserve one. You made fun of my undergarments, and you’re taking me somewhere I won’t want to be.”

He holds his finger up. “Technically, I refrained from making fun of you because I’m willing to do just about anything to see you in them.”

For just a second, I’m distracted by Sam. His worn jeans and hiking boots give him that sexy, rugged, outdoorsy guy look. He’s got one hand on the steering wheel, and to top it all off, his baseball cap is on backward. I want to lick him. In all the places. Everywhere.

“If you don’t quit looking at me like that, I’m going to have to pull this truck over.”

I shiver at his roughened voice. “What? I can’t look at you?”

“Not as if you want to eat me.”

I laugh. “I might’ve been thinking about licking certain parts of you.”

“Jesus,” Sam whispers. He lifts to adjust the crotch area of his jeans. A bolt of satisfaction hits my belly, and I’m suddenly very grateful he took the initiative to get me away from my computer.

The rest of the two-hour drive is spent in either comfortable silence, with the radio playing in the background, or talking about the most random topics that come to mind.

Then Sam is pulling into a state park, and I start to get uneasy. We’re not about to do what I think we’re doing… right?


He parks in front of the main building of the park and then turns to me. “Just… give me a day. Please? If you want to go home by sunset, I’ll do whatever it takes to get us there. Okay?”

I sigh. “Sunset. And I still get to be crabby if I want to be.”

“I can handle it, baby.” His grin would melt a glacier, and I find myself unable to be angry with him. That doesn’t mean I’m going to have a good time, though.
