Page 57 of Collision

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I run my fingers through Carter’s wet hair. “I know, baby.” I pull his head back with a gentle tug. “I’m so fucking in love with you it’s scary. And yet, I’ve never been more sure about anything in my entire life.”

Carter’s blue eyes turn watery. “I love you, too. More than I ever knew was possible to love someone. You’re my solid ground when the world is tilting too far, and I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”

I kiss him with everything I have and then some. I pour every ounce of love into this kiss. I want him to know without a shred of doubt that I feel the same way.

“You’re my everything, Carter Ellis. I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you.”

“The rest of your life, huh?” He smirks. “I’m not sure that’ll be long enough.”

“You’re right. No amount of time will ever be enough.”



“You’re sure you’re ready for this?” I ask Sam as I pull up to my parents’ house and park the car.

“I’ve met most of them a few times by now. How bad can it be?”

“See, the difference here is they were in public. They have to be on their best behavior there. In that house”—I point to it—“they have free rein to be as insane as they want.”

“I think I can handle it.” Sam’s decisive nod is full of his typical confidence. Instead of continuing to question him, I get out of the car. He follows closely behind me, his fingers threaded through mine. After a week of saying “I love you,” our relationship has grown exponentially. I’m not sure what it was about saying those words to him, but it’s as if we’ve settled into the enormity of our feelings.

Neither one of us has ever felt this kind of connection with another person. It was a little scary in the beginning. Now that I’m confident we both are in this until the end, I no longer have any of the nerves I once had.

So while I should be freaking out about walking into Mom and Dad’s house with the man I love for the first time… I’m not. It’s quite nice, actually.

At least, it feels that way until we step over the threshold to shouting.

“No, you’re fucking crazy! I don’t believe that for a second,” Nolan shouts.

Matthew scoffs. “Look it up! I’m telling you the truth.”

I turn toward Sam. “Welcome to the madhouse.”

He grins.

Nolan scowls at Matthew before yanking his phone out of his pocket to look up whatever it is they’re fighting about.

Then Nolan tackles Matthew. “You asshole. I knew you were lying!”

Matthew is dying of laughter, which allows Nolan to get the upper hand. “You’re so goddamn gullible.”

Nolan pins Matthew’s arm in a hold that looks incredibly painful. Matthew taps out quickly while he continues to laugh.

“Hey! Sam and Carter are here!” Nolan bounces up off the floor as if nothing happened. He does a bro hug with Sam as if they’ve been friends for years, and then he squeezes me tight around my shoulders.

We follow him into the living room where the rest of my siblings and their significant others have been watching the show. A chorus of “Heys” and “How are yous” are said simultaneously, to which we both answer in return.

“Sam, how are your Mario Kart skills?” Nolan asks.

“Uh… fine. I think. Why?”

Nolan rubs his palms together. “We’re about to put you to the test. Tucker refuses to play because he’s too good and says it’s not fun. Tilly has already beat me four times, and I don’t wanna play against her anymore. And Matthew sucks, so I’m hoping the fresh meat will bring me entertainment.”

“My boyfriend did not come to family dinner for your entertainment, Nolan.” I roll my eyes.

“But it’s tradition!” He holds his hand out like he’s an Italian mobster or something.
