Page 7 of Collision

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Awesome. Does Donna’s Bar tomorrow night work for you?


It does. Is seven okay?


Perfect. See you then.

Excitement bubbles in my stomach. I can’t believe I’m going out with hot firefighter Sam. If I could create my dream guy, he would be it.

Don’t go there. This isn’t a date. He isn’t asking me out because he likes me. This is purely transactional. That’s it.

But I can’t help the small part of me that’s a tiny bit hopeful this could be more.



Itake a deep breath and smooth my hands down my green button-down. With one final scan of my clean-shaven face, I leave my bathroom to find some shoes.

This isn’t a date, I remind myself for the umpteenth time. I can’t afford to think of it that way or my nerves will get the best of me.

And being nervous is not an emotion I’m used to feeling. I’ve always been overly self-assured. Putting myself out there has never been a problem, but when it comes to Carter Ellis, I lose every ounce of confidence I have. His blue eyes, framed by those dark-rimmed glasses, disarm me the second they meet my gaze. It’s as if he sees straight through me to the person I am on the inside.

Maybe I’ve turned the moment outside of the bathrooms at O’Malley’s into a bigger deal than it was. We only talked for a few minutes, and in that small amount of time, I broke his phone. There’s no way I could have felt a connection to Carter so quickly. It’s never happened to me before. Why would he be any different? Except… I’ve felt the same way every single time I’ve been around him. The few times he came around the firehouse with Natalie, I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. I had to force myself to keep from going right up to him and flirting. He’s my captain’s brother-in-law. He felt off-limits at that time.

But who’s to say Carter’s even feeling the same way I am? He’s probably just obliging me, knowing I can’t afford to fix his phone. Which means I need to rein in my spiraling emotions.

Once I’m feeling put together, I head downstairs to leave. The front door is right across from the bottom of the stairs. To the right is a hallway that leads to a library and a guest bedroom. To the left is the living room, which is open to the dining room and kitchen. The place came furnished, which I was grateful for.

The apartment complex I was living in was shitty, but in a small town, the options are pretty limited. I mentioned to Tucker that I was on the hunt for a new place, and he hooked me up with this house. Our police chief, Cooper Jackson, owns it with his wife, and they rent it out to whoever needs it. It’s a beautiful place, and they don’t charge me nearly enough money in rent. They both insist I pay them plenty, so I’m not going to argue with them.

Since they wouldn’t take any extra money, I told them to hit me up any time they needed a babysitter. They just had a baby girl named Charlotte, and I figure they’ll want a break in a few weeks when the sleep deprivation catches up with them.

I’m probably one of the last guys on their list of support people they’ll call to babysit, but I’d be happy to do it if they asked.

I get into my car and head toward Donna’s Bar. The parking lot is only a quarter full since it’s Wednesday. I can’t decide if that’s good or bad. Fewer people will give me and Carter a chance to talk without having to shout. More people would help to provide a distraction during any awkward silences.

My boots crunch over the gravel as I walk inside. Donna’s Bar is a staple in Sonoma. It’s the only bar in town, so it can get pretty crowded on the weekends. The log cabin exterior matches the hunting lodge feel on the inside. It’s a cozy space where everyone is welcome, no matter who you are.

Carter isn’t here yet, so I order a drink at the bar. Cheryl is working, as usual, and pulls a beer from the tap for me. When the door opens, I turn to look over my shoulder. Carter walks in, looking gorgeous with his dark hair a mess of waves as if he ran his hands over it in an attempt to tame it. His jeans are molded perfectly around his thighs, and his navy blue Henley fits across his chest as if it were made for him specifically.

His blue eyes pop even more with his shirt, and the minute he sees me, they light up. He’s got a crooked smile that I find endearing. I don’t think he does it on purpose, which only makes me want to get him to smile more.

He saunters over to the stool next to mine. The gentle scent of spicy oak washes over me as he sits down, and I have to hold myself back from shoving my nose into his neck. I want to know if it’s cologne or a mouth-watering soap. Either way, I want to bathe in it.

Carter hits me with his smile again, and I grin in return. I find myself getting a little lost in his blue eyes. Does he have any idea what that stare does to me? No one has ever looked at me the way he does.

Cheryl’s presence allows me a respite from the intensity. “What can I get ya?” she asks Carter.

“Another of whatever he’s drinking, please,” Carter orders.

“Put it on my tab, Cheryl.”

“You got it, honey.” She smiles and moves to pull Carter’s beer.

He turns to me. “Thank you. It really wasn’t necessary for you to buy me a drink.”
