Page 24 of Moon Mated

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‘This isn’t normal,’ I pointed out to my wolf, feeling like I was about to combust with the energy I was trying to contain.

‘Think about our mate, Arden, Deacon, and Estella. They are our pack, and they are under attack. We must protect them.’

He was right. We’d formed this pack last time our power had been unleashed. The threat was staring me down, ready to engage at any moment. I had a split second to decide if I wanted bloodshed or to try to spare the entranced wolves.

It wasn’t an easy decision, but I went with the best course of action.

I inhaled deeply, filling my lungs with oxygen until it felt like they’d pop like balloons with too much air. The energy was in my chest, and I envisioned it merging with the air in my lungs.

Once it had merged to a point where I could no longer distinguish the two, my hands curled into fists, and I let out a roar.

Pouring all the energy into this one action, I prayed that it worked.

Chapter Twelve


The roar that Rylan let out shook me to my bones. Every shifter in the vicinity dropped to the ground like the pressure from the command was too much. I remained standing by Rylan’s side, his power washing over me like spring rain.

I exhaled slowly when the sound ended, feeling slightly dazed by the surge of energy that laced Rylan’s roar. Arden explained his powerful roar the night before. I’d been unconscious then, so it was fascinating to witness it now.

Rylan was shaking, the amount of unrestrained force he’d just unleashed was immense. I wanted to touch him, to reassure him that everything was all right, but I didn’t dare. Not when aftershocks were coursing through his body. The last thing I wanted was for him to lose his concentration.

He took a deep, steadying breath before turning to me, his hand outstretched. My hand was in his before I realized I had moved, our fingers intertwining. The contact had an instant effect on both of us. Tension bled away as we looked around at the downed shifters.

Those in wolf form had shifted back to humans. Every single one looked dazed and confused, glancing around the unfamiliar area.

Rylan squeezed my fingers gently, my eyes met his, and I saw his wolf peeking out at me, watching me with an intensity that made my heart skip a beat. I wished our mate bond was complete so that I would know exactly what was going on behind those eyes. Lifting my hand, Rylan kissed my knuckles, making my knees go weak. It was a clear statement to everyone that no matter what came our way, I would always be first.

Butterflies erupted in my belly while I debated whether I should kiss him or tie him up and go hide in a cave somewhere. His lips twitched, and I wondered if he knew what I was thinking or just guessed. Either way, I needed a stiff drink.

“Rylan,” Deacon said, breaking whatever spell we were under. “Can you feel them?”

Rylan turned to face everyone, his eyes flicking to each and every person in attendance. “Yes, I can.”

Arden whistled, impressed. I mentally seconded her sentiment, in equal awe of the capability my mate possessed.

“Wait… can you feel everyone?” I looked from Arden to Teo, wondering if Rylan had added the enforcers to the pack too.

“No.” Rylan’s lips pulled down into a frown. “Everyone else here, except the enforcers.”

But why?

It didn’t make sense. The enforcers were no longer bonded to an alpha or a pack. How did Rylan break his aunt’s control and initiate a bond with me, Estella, and Deacon while ignoring the other pack less wolves?

‘It’s a choice,’ a voice whispered through my thoughts.

‘What do you mean?’ From where I stood, it looked like the wolves had no choice in the matter at all.

‘Rylan’s power frees them from Tamra’s influence. The wolf then seeks out an alpha. Rylan is the closest and strongest. The wolf feels his strength and choses submit.’

Did Rylan know this?

I’d have to ask him later because now wasn’t the time to question his actions. He’d done what he thought was right, and now our little pack had doubled in size in less than a minute.

A loud groan from one of the shifters drew all of our attention as he rolled over, clutching his head. I looked up at Rylan in alarm. No one else was in pain; everyone else looked relieved and a little stunned.

“That’s an alpha-apparent,” Deacon stated, watching the man with pity.
