Page 29 of Moon Mated

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I chuckled, amused by the Moon Spirit’s frustration at the wolves it created.

The path forward depended on what Rylan’s cousin revealed, but since he was showing incredible resistance, who knew if we could rely on him for information?

‘Is there a way we could speed it up?’ I hoped for a quick solution so we could move on from this.

‘Your mate isn’t thinking like an alpha.’

I frowned at the Moon Spirit’s words, wondering what Rylan had done that wasn’t alpha-like. Before I could ask, a softly glowing white wolf appeared beside me, keeping pace with my wolf as we ran through the trees. The wolf huffed, and I suspected the Moon Spirit was just as agitated as me.

We ran in silence for close to twenty minutes before our gait changed to a trot then a leisurely walk. Our breathing was heavy, but the cool forest air felt good in my lungs. For the first time in a while, my mind was clear of worries and doubts. It was consumed by the present as I let go of what the future held. I’d worry about it later. Right now, all I needed was the forest and my wolf.

With my mind cleared of thoughts about the current situation, I found peace. The sound of trickling water tickled my ears, drawing me toward it. A small stream meandered through the landscape, seemingly without a predetermined path. When it reached an obstacle, it simply found the easiest way around it and kept flowing. It didn’t stop to worry about the path or wondering if it was going in the right direction. The stream didn’t look back to see what had already passed.

That thought struck a chord within me. I could feel the inner vibration grow in intensity as I watched and listened to the stream.

‘This is how it should be,’ the Moon Spirit spoke quietly so as not to disturb the tranquility of the moment. ‘Move forward and deal with obstacles as they come while never looking back.’

I understood what the wolf was talking about and agreed, but I just wasn’t sure how to use it in the current situation.

‘It will become clearer the more you let go and let what has been and what will be go.’

Could things really be that simple?

A twig snapped behind us, and I whirled around, claws out and teeth bared, ready to fight whatever the danger was.

A black wolf with four white socked feet walked toward me, green eyes observing me and the Moon Spirit with a question in its eyes.

‘This is where I leave you,’ the white wolf informed me and then nodded its head at the black wolf.

The wolf disappeared, leaving me and my mate alone. Rylan drew closer, concern and regret written in his eyes. I looked away; still hurt from the way he’d ignored us the past few days.

A low whine sounded from our throat as Rylan’s wolf took another step. The wolf froze and cocked its head, puzzled, which made me angry. How could he not see how hurt we were? How lonely the days had been while he ignored us. How much I needed to get away from the suffocating and overwhelming feelings I felt for the pack. I shook my head, determined not to explain when he could clearly see we were upset.

Rylan’s wolf walked closer, his head lowered, and tail tucked, like he knew I was mad and that he was the cause. He sat down beside me with about a foot of distance between us that felt more like an eternal ocean. I wanted to fix it, but I didn’t feel like I was the one who needed to.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as he shifted back to his human form. He was ready to talk. I shook my head then turned my gaze so I could glare at him, my ears twitching so he knew I was listening but refusing to shift just yet.

“I’ve upset you, and I’m sorry.”

I rolled my eyes at his insincere apology. Did he think he could just say sorry, and I would forgive him? He had a lot to learn.

“I’m sure my words feel empty,” Rylan continued, looking away, his attention turning toward the stream. “The last thing I want is for you to feel unwanted, but that’s exactly what I’ve been doing. I’ve been so consumed with finding a way to free my cousin that I’ve put everything aside, especially you.”

My wolf grumbled, sounding like a series of small yips and whines. It didn’t mean anything, but it felt nice to respond in some way.

“I haven’t been the alpha I need to be. I thought I was ready and doing the right thing, but the Moon Spirit explained that being an alpha is more than just being strong. I need to be compassionate, empathetic, and aware of every member’s feeling. You’ve been doing that, and it’s been taking a toll since I wasn’t there helping you.

“I’m still trying to get the hang of being a mate and an alpha. I’m going to make mistakes, but in doing so, I plan to learn from them.” He sighed, running his hand through his hair, making it unruly and entirely too appealing.

Tingles ran over my skin as the change came over me. My white fur became long luscious white hair that covered my naked breasts as it cascaded around me. The markings on my left arm tingled reassuringly.

“I appreciate everything you said,” I whispered, moving onto my knees and crawling the short distance to him. I settled in his lap, and his eyes never left my face while his hands gripped my upper thighs. “I’m new to this too. I may not be an alpha like you, but I am the Alpha Seeker. I’m ready to stand at your side, ready to face whatever comes our way together.”

Rylan nodded, his gaze narrowing on my lips as I spoke. I ran my tongue over my top lip, watching his eyes follow the movement. He was completely entranced by me, and I couldn’t help but feel satisfied.

My hands were resting on his forearms, so I moved them upward, sliding over the smooth skin of his arms and shoulders. He shuddered underneath me when my nails gently scraped his collar bone. I leaned down and softly kissed his throat, using my hands to encourage him to tilt his head back. I wanted him to submit to me.

His chest rumbled, and for a moment, I didn’t think he’d do what I was requesting. But then, his head moved, exposing his throat in submission. The urge to bite him, to taste him on my tongue, was almost too much for me to fight. I hesitated for a moment, trying to reign in the raging need before I pressed my lips to the skin above his pounding pulse.
