Page 34 of Moon Mated

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I could feel her now in my head, like her mind had become a part of my own. She was part of me but also an extension. I could feel her in the very fiber of my being. In that moment, the only thing I could feel was gratitude. She accepted us then, bonded with us. For a moment, it felt like a dream, until Pearl rolled over, her unconscious mind reaching for me.

I held her close, going over my life up to this point, and I couldn’t think of any other instance where I was completely and utterly sated. With Pearl pressed against me, her breath tickling my neck, I felt incredible. Happy. Whole.

This was where I belonged. This was where she belonged. Having a mate was the biggest honor I could have in this life, and I was eternally grateful to the Moon Spirit for mine.

* * *

This place was… suspicious.

I didn’t want to alarm Pearl, so I kept my thoughts to myself until she was asleep. My wolf and I scented the air, and like every other time, there was nothing amiss.

Which is suspicious.

My first clue was when I couldn’t reach any members of my pack. I couldn’t check in, and it made my wolf’s fur stand up. The second clue was the absence of the sun or anything that could be considered daytime. It was dark, and the moon and stars lit up the sky. Constantly.

It was unnerving, but the absence of danger calmed me and my wolf until Pearl fell asleep, then we were back to worrying. Sleeping was out of the question when I knew nothing about where we were.

I reached out to the Moon Spirit several times with no answer. It had pointed us toward this location, so it should be safe. I doubted the Moon Spirit would send us somewhere that wasn’t completely secure.

I kept telling myself not to worry. We trusted the Moon Spirit, but it was different with Pearl here too. If she wasn’t, I might be able to relax and enjoy the solitude. With Pearl here, I felt antsy, like my wolf could crawl out of my skin at any moment.

“Awake again?” an angel’s voice asked sleepily.

“Can’t help it.” I grinned and leaned over to kiss my mate’s plump lips.

“Hmmm,” she hummed, wrapping her arms around my neck as she deepened the kiss.

I sank into her, letting her distract me from my earlier thoughts and worries. The only thing I needed was my mate in my arms.

“You seem distracted,” Pearl stated, breaking the kiss and gazing up at me. “Is everything all right?”

A quick reply was on the tip of my tongue, but looking into her deep russet eyes, I knew I couldn’t lie. She was my mate. If she cared to dig, she could find the answer in my mind, but asking meant she wanted me to tell her. Which required admitting that I was worried about our pack and all the suspicious things about this cabin.

“I’m worried about our pack.” I rolled onto my back with a heavy sigh.

“And?” Pearl prompted, knowing there was more.

“And this place is… weirding me out.”

“How?” She glanced around the room quickly. Not to find anything suspicious, she returned her gaze to me with an eyebrow raised.

“Well, it feels like we’ve been here a few days, but nothing has changed.”


“Like the time of day. It’s been nighttime for ages now with absolutely no change. It’s like time stopped.”

Pearl frowned then scooted over to the window to look outside. The moon was in the same position in the sky, as were the stars. The trees were still, and the area was quiet, like all the nocturnal animals avoided this place.

“Where are we?” Her worry seeped through the bond, making me growl inwardly. I did not want to worry her.

“I honestly don’t know,” I answered.

“But… you brought us here.”

“Yes, but not because I knew it. The Moon Spirit gave me directions.” I used my fingers to put quotations around ‘gave me directions’.

“What do you mean?” The frown still on her face made my chest clench.
