Page 54 of Moon Mated

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“Yes.” She chuckled good naturally.

“What’s going on? How are you here?”

“I’m still dead, but the Moon Spirit and I agreed that it would be best for me to speak to you,” Faela began then shifted, like she was trying to get into a more comfortable position. “I know everything that has happened, and I know where you are right now. Being in my cell has allowed my spirit to reach out to yours. We can speak freely here.”

I nodded, a million questions running through my mind. There was so much I wanted to know and questions that didn’t have answers, but I didn’t want to waste this time with the previous Alpha Seeker. I didn’t know how long this would last, so I’d better make every moment count.

“Do you know… what’s going to happen to me?”

“You are going through a… transformation.” She took a moment to look around at the place that had been her prison for decades. “Being held here was miserable, but it gave me what I needed. Time. The Moon Spirit never abandoned me. We spoke daily, and not too long ago, we started planning.”

“Planning what?”

“I’ll tell you, but you’ve got to shut up and listen,” Faela snapped, the tranquility she was going for forgotten in a split second. “You know as well as I do what the repercussions of the universe are. Balance must be restored, and it will do that by any means necessary, even side with the enemy. The Moon Spirit and I discussed every possible outcome from the most likely to the everything-went-to-shit. In every scenario, we came to the same conclusion. In order to restore balance, the Moon Spirit must die.”

“Um, excuse me?” I giggled, fighting a manic episode that began clouding my mind. “The Moon Spirit is a god. Gods can’t be killed.”

“The Moon Spirit created this mess. In order to fix it, it needs to sacrifice itself for the betterment of everyone.”

“No. No, no, no. This can’t be happening.”

The Moon Spirit was the only being who would stand a chance against the Shadow Wolf. How does a sacrifice lead to balance? I couldn’t wrap my head around what the old wolf was talking about.

“The universe needs its pound of flesh, a sacrifice, and it’ll accept only the Moon Spirit,” Faela continued, ignoring my outburst. “In order to save everyone, the Moon Spirit will surrender to Tamra.”

“Why? There has to be another way.” Tears welled in my eyes at the thought of a world without the Moon Spirit in it.

“There isn’t, I’m afraid.” Faela appeared just as upset as I felt. “I wish there was another way, but there isn’t.”

“What happens after that? Will Tamra gain more power? Take the Moon Spirit’s place?” No one knew what Tamra was after, not even her son.

The look on Faela’s face told me the answer.

“Tamra intends to become the Moon Spirit?” That couldn’t be possible.

“The Shadow Wolf has opened Tamra’s eyes to all sorts of possibilities. She aims to become a goddess, a being of both light and dark.”

“That won’t fix the balance issue,” I grumbled.

“No, it won’t. Which is why we, the Moon Spirit and I, have come up with an alternative.”

“What’s the alternative?” I couldn’t see how they were going to prevent this from happening. Tamra was too powerful.

“You,” Faela whispered, her eyes growing misty, which was more alarming than what she’d just said.

“Wait… me?”

“The transference has already started. The Moon Spirit is passing its powers to you.”

“To me?”

My left arm tingled, drawing my attention down to it. The markings covering it glowed with an inner light that reminded me of moonlight.

I thought light coming from my arm was just another Alpha Seeker perk, but I was transitioning.

“What does this mean? Will I become the Moon Spirit?”

“In a way. You will have abilities and duties that you must perform, but you will not be a god. You will live a normal life.”
