Page 56 of Moon Mated

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‘No, you need to bring everyone.’

‘I can’t bring everyone. I’m not sure if being part of my pack will protect the wolves’ minds from Tamra’s control.’

‘It will,” she assured me.

I gripped my hair in my hands, the pain in my scalp a welcome distraction. ‘How do you know?’

‘I just do. You have to trust me, Rylan.’

I did trust her, but I knew that if the opportunity presented itself, Pearl would sacrifice herself to save others. My mate was selfless, and while it was an admirable trait for an alpha female, it made me and my wolf antsy.

‘Promise me you won’t do anything reckless.’ I needed to hear her say that she’d protect herself until I got to her.

‘Reckless? Me?’ she snipped, some of her spunk coming back, making me feel less anxious. ‘I’ll do my best.’

I knew that was all I was going to get from her, so I let the subject go.

Deacon’s wolf huffed his annoyance as he paced the living room. Shortly after we realized that Pearl and Estella had been taken, he’d shifted into his wolf form. He was agitated, and it was taking more energy than I liked to keep him here. If I’d let him, he would have run off in search of Estella and would have walked right into a trap or worse.

I had no doubt in my mind that this was Tamra’s impatience. She had always hated waiting, so she’d stolen the two wolves we would do just about anything to draw us out. Gritting my teeth, I tried to think rationally.

‘Do you know what she is planning?’ I asked Pearl gently. She still seemed volatile, and I didn’t want to upset her more.

‘I think so.’ Pearl’s response was quiet, telling me that she knew more than she was saying. But I couldn’t demand answers from her. She was my equal in every way, and if she was keeping something from me, I knew in my gut there was a reason. Didn’t mean I liked it though.

“Estella is okay,” I said to the still-pacing wolf.

The outline of Deacon’s wolf blurred at the edges as his form shifted and changed into that of a naked human. Ledger tossed him some sweatpants that he hurriedly pulled on. His movements were shaky, which wasn’t like him at all. He was usually the level-headed one, but I guess finding one’s mate threw all control out the window.

“Where are they?” His voice was deep and growly, and I knew his wolf was close to the surface. I couldn’t blame him for his reaction. Hell, it took everything I had not to let my wolf charge off on his own. We needed to be smart about this.

Tamra wouldn’t try to lure me out for no reason. She was planning something, and I had a feeling it had to do with Pearl, and through her, me. She had to be stopped. Her path to more power was paved with blood and darkness.

‘Someone’s here. I have to wake up now.’

‘Wait!’ I yelled, surging toward the bond to keep it from closing.

I was too late. Pearl was gone, and our bond was once again silent.

“She’s gone,” I gritted out, black fur starting to sprout from my arms as my control slipped.

“Where are they?” Deacon asked again. His eyes darted around wildly.

I had to act before he did something stupid. “They’re in the Cage.” I reached out and grabbed my beta wolf by the shoulders. “You need to keep it together, man.”

“We need a plan,” Ledger cut in, ignoring the annoyed growl from Deacon.

“Why the Cage?” Deacon glared at Ledger, who didn’t even flinch.

“It must be important somehow.”

“Estella said she went to a place high on the mountain to meet her sister before she died,” Ledger rubbed his chin absently. “Didn’t she mention rocks?”

“What the fuck do rocks have to do with anything?” Deacon snarled, fur beginning to appear all over his chest and shoulders.

“Because… there’s a place near an entrance to the Cage that’s rocky,” Ledger murmured as he began to pace the same path that Deacon had been earlier. “It’s the same way Faela escaped, which means something to my mother.”

“She can’t be that sentimental.” I scoffed, never having gotten the impression that my aunt cared.
