Page 57 of Moon Mated

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“She’s not, but that’s also the place where her initial plan with Estella failed. I’d bet my life that my mother is planning to go there.”

“How sure are you?” I asked, before sharing a quick look with Deacon.

“Very sure.”

“Let’s send a scout first. Teo?”

The big Enforcer wolf grunted from the kitchen while speaking to one of his wolves.

“Check in when you get there.”

“Now what?” Deacon flexed his arm and chest muscles like he was hyping himself up for a fight.

“Do you have any theories as to what she might be planning?” I asked my cousin.

“From what I’ve witnessed and seen, I don’t think she’s satisfied with the amount of power that she has. At the Gala, you ripped through her control, easily freeing other wolves.”

“She wants more power. Why?”

What more could she possibly want?

“Think about it. She had no control over anything in her life. This power from the Shadow Wolf gives her control but only a small amount. If I had to guess, I’d say that Mother wants to be the most powerful creature in the universe.”

“How does one do that though?” Deacon frowned and gripped his hands into fists.

“A sacrifice,” Ledger answered quietly. “She’s going to need a sacrifice. She’s already used her sister. I wonder what sort of power the Moon Spirit would grant her if she threatened the Alpha Seeker.”

My eyes grew wide as my brain registered what he was saying. Tamra was going to sacrifice Pearl to the Shadow Wolf in exchange for power from the Moon Spirit. With control of both the light and the dark, no one would be able to stop her.

It was a terrifying thought. One that I couldn’t just sit by and let happen. My mate would not be my aunt’s sacrifice.

Not if I could help it.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


I started to wake up, but I wasn’t ready to face what I knew was coming. I couldn’t even tell Rylan. He was my mate. The other half of my soul… but I couldn’t find the words or the courage to tell him.

If he figured out where Tamra was, he was going to be so pissed.

Consciousness called to me, and with reluctance I opened my eyes. Darkness greeted me, and for a moment, I thought I might still be asleep, but then I felt the arms around me. Alarmed, I squirmed, trying to get away from whoever was carrying me.

‘It’s all right,’ my wolf assured me, having been completely aware of what was going on around us. ‘We’re being taken to Tamra.’

‘Where’s Estella?’

‘She’s walking behind with her wolf. We tried to wake you, but you refused.’

I gulped, the reality of the situation coming to the forefront of my mind making me tremble. This next part was completely unknown, and I was terrified. For my pack. For Rylan and Estella. And for me.

This was the next obstacle I had to overcome as the Alpha Seeker, but I wasn’t ready for any of it. Faela had explained, but there were things that we couldn’t predict, which made my stomach churn. How was I going to handle all of this? Or stop Tamra from doing what she was going to attempt?

I didn’t know, so I did what I’d always done when faced with a difficult decision—I reached for the Moon Spirit. The white wolf responded immediately. No matter what happened, I knew I wouldn’t be alone.

‘Are you ready for this?’ I asked my wolf, needing to hear her opinion.

‘We’ll be fine. The Moon Spirit wouldn’t do this if it thought there was another way. We need to trust them.”
