Page 70 of Bound By Magic

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“I’m not exactly one for cheap thrills.”

Lucien’s eyebrow cocked, playfully. I frowned at him and rolled my eyes. ‘Liar’, he mouthed, and then he said, “We’ll eat, and then we’ll get ready. Get some rest.”

I nodded at him, and then Lucien waved his hand in a sweeping motion. All of the lights in the room flicked off. I felt his magic wash over me, exciting the thin, little hairs on my arms. “That was not smooth at all.” I said.

“Probably not, but I wanted to talk to you without anyone listening in.”

I swallowed hard again. “Really?”

Lucien pushed himself off the bed and walked over to me. He placed a warm hand on my shoulder and gave me a comforting gaze. “Are you okay?”

I looked at his hand on my shoulder, then turned my eyes up at him. “I think so.” I paused. “I’m okay. I was just a little shaken up earlier.”

“You’ve barely spoken all afternoon. You weren’t just a little shaken up.”

“Okay, maybe I wasn’t, but I will be.”

He took a deep breath in through the nose, then exhaled. “Look, I was prepared to let this thing drag until at least tomorrow… I’m not in a hurry for you to go back to the mansion. But after what happened today, I think it’s best to get this thing over with. What do you think?”

“I’m not ready to let this thing we have here end…” I said, taking his other hand, “Going back to your mansion means I lose my—” I paused, “—well, not freedom, but this is better than what I had there. Plus, there’s demons back at your place, too.”

“They’re mostly harmless, little more than parasites who like to scare the unwary because they have nothing better to do.”

“They pushed me off the side of the building, remember?”

Lucien nodded. “Right, yes. So much has happened since then…”

“It’s okay. I know we have to go back, and I guess you’re right. There’s no reason to prolong this…”


I licked my lips. “But what happens to us after we get back to the mansion?”

“Us?” he asked.

I slid my hand up his arm and held his cheek in my hand. “I won’t be able to touch you like this once we’re under your family’s watchful eye…” I trailed off.

Lucien shut his eyes and caressed my hand with the side of his face. He paused, then exhaled. “I’m not going to let you rot in my family estate. I’m getting you away from my father.”

“I want to believe that.”

“But you don’t?”

“It’s not that I don’t. I just think… your hands are tied when you’re with them. As long as we’re here, and they’re not around, the only hands that should be tied are mine.”

Lucien took both of my hands in his, crossed them, then he held them above me. “Are you asking me to tie your hands up?” he asked, bringing his lips closer to mine.

“Please tie me up…” I whispered. “It’s why you killed the electricity in the room, after all, isn’t it?”

“Maybe.” He paused, brushing his lips against mine. “How do I know you won’t try to break out of your binds?”

“Because I’m your good girl, remember?” I asked, flicking his lower lip with my tongue.

“It seems we have a few hours to kill…”

I tried to kiss him, but he took hold of my face and pulled it to the side. My body followed, and in a moment, I found myself getting ushered toward the bed, my arms still held firmly above my head. When I reached it, Lucien pressed himself against my back. He worked his free hand under the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it up and over my head.

My heart started to pound. For a moment he stood behind me, exploring my abdomen with his hand, running it across my stomach, up along my ribcage, cupping my right breast and gently squeezing it.
