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“I can pay you back for the costume,” she offered.

“It’s not about the money.” I dipped the ginger plug into the water and then traced it down the crack of her bottom. I slowly inserted the root while I kept one hand firmly on her lower back. “It’s about following the rules you agreed to, Cate.”

“Oh.” She raised up on her tiptoes. “I don’t like it! I’ve never had anything other than your finger inside my-my… in there.” She panted. “Please take it out.”

“You’re going to like it a whole lot less in a moment.” I dried my hands on the towel, and then parted her thighs a little further than comfortable. I planted a kiss on the very edge of her spine, and then slapped each of her cheeks. Over and over, I danced my palm across the expanse of her ass, which quickly bloomed pink prints from where I’d struck her. I paused as her most private opening clenched, and then I picked up the rattan cane I’d selected for tonight’s punishment.

“Eeek, Daddy, please!” She clenched down again which squeezed on the root. Its juices intensified the burning sensation as it was meant to do. Her hips wiggled from side to side. “Oh! I promise to listen to your rules. Just take it out.”

“When we’re done here, I’ve got no doubt that you will.” I tapped the cane against her left cheek, lined up the target and then snapped it hard. Her ass jiggled from the impact and then she yelped. I repeated the same process on her right cheek.

“Ouch, ouch!” Caitlyn peddled her heels up and down multiple times. “No more. My ass is burning and I said I’ll listen.”

“Do I follow your orders, little girl? Is that how things work around here?”

“No, but it stings like a freaking bee. Please, Daddy? I’ve had enough.”

“Oh, have you?” I shifted the cane to her upper thighs and landed one stripe across both of them.


“What if someone had tracked that package?” I struck the cane again in almost the same location.


“What if Antonio or his men intercepted your little costume, princess, and they replaced it with a bomb?” I snapped another line against the lowest curve of her ass and another. “Then where would you be?”

“Dead! I’d be dead, Daddy. Okay? And no one but you would miss me.”

“Do you think my feelings matter?”

“Yes, of course your feelings matter.” Her shoulders sagged, and her breath hitched in her throat. “I don’t know what you want me to say. I love you, but it scares the fuck out of me.” Tears flowed down her cheeks and her long blonde locks stuck to her face.

“I love you, Caity-bug. I’m not going to let anyone harm you again.” I gathered her hair behind her, twisted it into a quick braid and secured it with an elastic band. “You’ve got two more with the cane so brace yourself and take the rest of your punishment gracefully so we can discuss your rewards.”

“I’m not sure I can handle this.”

“Yes, you can. You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met.” Her statement pointed to something so much deeper, not just regarding my punishment but to the whole picture. Us. A relationship. I cleared my throat. “Are you ready?”

The muscles in her arms tightened and released.


I delivered the last two higher up on the roundest curves of her supple bottom and left two raised welts from where the cane kissed her. To her credit, she never moved out of position. I set the cane down on the tray and lifted the tiny ginger piece I cut to rest on top of her hot little button.

“You took your punishment beautifully, Cate. Now sit down on the table and spread your legs for me.”

Her legs trembled, but Caitlyn eased down onto the coffee table and she parted her legs. I capped her clit and slowly brought her legs back together. She opened her mouth, but I shook my head and she slammed her lips together.

“Lie back and keep your legs shut.”

Caitlyn obeyed, and she looked like a freaking golden goddess against the dark wood of the table. She winced, but didn’t say a word. Her mind seemed more at ease as well, though I knew her bottom and thighs burned from my attention there. I stripped off my clothes, one article at a time, and her eyes widened.

“Open your mouth, little girl, and suck me off.” I straddled the table until my cock aligned with her mouth and she took my hardness in between her lips. She hummed as she sucked, and her hands worked up and down my shaft. “Faster, sweetheart.”

“All my nerves feel like they’re firing off at once.”

“Keep going. Let the burn fade into pleasure.” She increased her speed, sucking and licking while her hands moved in tandem. “Do you want me to fuck you?” Her head bobbed up and down. “Suck Daddy harder and I’ll give you what you want.”
