Page 4 of The Birthday Manny

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“Oh, a man who loves kids?” Joan leaned an elbow on the bar, inserting herself into our conversation. “Tell me more.”

Grabbing another wing while those two flirted, I peeked over at the spot I’d last seen the black-haired cutie. The way things were looking, I might be able to excuse myself and at least get the man’s name and number. Hope disappeared as I watched him buy another guy a drink. Dammit.

* * *


The handsome blond ran his eyes halfway down my body before they jerked up to my face. He forced a smile that more resembled a grimace and lifted the cocktail I’d purchased him up in the air in a toast. “Thanks for the drink. But I don’t think this is going to work out.” Then he shrugged one shoulder and walked away.

“Sure,” I said to his retreating back. Well, damn. It had been quite a while since I’d been out on the prowl—back when I met Alan—but I didn’t think it was possible to lose my moves that much. My latest loss was the second guy I’d bought a drink in the hour and a half I’d been here. At least the first one finished his beverage before walking away.

Glancing around Rafters Restaurant and Lounge, my old stomping grounds, I wondered if I’d truly lost my touch. I wasn’t movie-star handsome or anything, but I used to at least be able to get a man to join me for a few cocktails and conversation, even if he didn’t leave with me. I sighed. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe Alan was right, and I’d be living a life of celibacy for a long, long time. I might as well head home.

“Hey there.”

I looked up to find the man who’d been halfway around the other side of the circular bar. He was more than my type, so I’d noticed him immediately when I first arrived, but he’d been in a conversation with another gentleman, so I figured he was either on a date or I’d arrived too late.

Now that he stood in front of me, I realized he was even hotter and more what I’d been hoping to find than he’d seemed sitting so far away. He was approximately ten years younger than my thirty-seven and had a couple of inches on my own five-foot-ten, with tousled sandy-brown hair, light blond stubble on his strong jawline, and sparkling blue eyes that glittered with amusement. “H-hello.”

The man’s lips quirked into a half-grin. He held out his hand. “I’m CJ.”

“Kevin,” I said back, shaking his hand.

“I couldn’t help but notice that you’re looking a little discouraged, Kevin.”

I shrugged. “What can I say? It hasn’t been the best night.”

He hummed. “Sorry to say, but I noticed.”

How embarrassing. “I think I’ve lost my touch,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

CJ’s gaze ran slowly from the top of my head down to the tip of my shoes and then back up again. “I don’t know about that.” He raised his hand and placed it on my chest. “I think this might be throwing you off, though.” He double-tapped lightly over my chest.

Confused, I glanced down, and my eyes widened in horror as I realized what he meant.

CJ chuckled and let his hand drop to his side. “I’d guess that might be your problem.”

“Oh, shit. That’s so embarrassing.” I stretched the bottom of my shirt out in front of me and groaned. Splotches of red dotted from the bottom of the collar of my long-sleeved button-up and down over my chest to my stomach area. Ketchup. “No wonder no one’s hung around. They must’ve thought I was a total slob. But I swear I’m not,” I said, practically begging him to believe me.

His gaze traveled my body again, and he smirked. “I didn’t imagine a man as finely put together as you purposefully came out with stains on your clothes. Ketchup, am I right?”

I huffed. “Yes.” I’d gone to so much trouble getting ready tonight. I’d waited to shower, shave, and dress until after my two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Lexi, devoured her happy meal. When I’d left the table, my mom had been cleaning off her hands and mouth before letting her go play, but she must’ve missed some drops of ketchup on her clothes.

Considering how hard Lexi had clung to me before I walked out the door, there’d been some transfer. For fuck’s sake, I should’ve known this was a dumb idea and stayed home. My mom would return to Florida in two days, and she’d urged me to take advantage of her being here and go out for an evening to myself. It had been such a long, long time since I’d had any type of male companionship that I’d decided to take her up on it, but…I guessed I could admit defeat and head home. A quick glance at my watch confirmed it was only 8:30 PM. I’d still be able to work for a couple of hours, so the night wouldn’t be a complete bust.

CJ shrugged like me walking around with food stains wasn’t a big deal. “A man has to eat.” His baby blues dropped to my crotch. “You have a few options.”

“Options?” My voice cracked as my body responded to his less-than-subtle attention. I’d been hoping for flirting or anything really that still made me feel attractive to other men, and this particular specimen was everything I wanted. If he was willing to touch me, blow me, or fuck me, despite my appearance, I’d doubt his sanity, but I also wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

“Yes, options,” CJ said, moving in a little closer. “You can head into the bathroom and try dabbing some cold water on it.” He sounded as doubtful of that working as I felt. “You can always head home. Or”—he moved a little closer and walked his fingers up my chest—“you can follow me to my place and let me get this off you.” His gaze moved back up, blue eyes boring into mine and darkening with desire.

“Really?” I asked, hoping my voice hadn’t sounded as squeaky to him as it had to me. Apparently, I’d lost all my game about the same time I became a father. I might as well start working on mastering dad jokes.

CJ tilted his head. “From where I stand. You have a little oopsie from whatever you had for dinner, so you’re needing dessert. Come on,” he whispered, stepping close enough for me to feel his body heat and smell a slight hint of his vanilla-scented cologne. I practically groaned as my dick woke up with the excitement of something being on the table besides my right hand. “I know you were looking to pull tonight, and I’ve been watching you since the second you walked through the door.”

“I saw you, too,” I admitted. “But I thought you were on a date or something.”

He smirked. “Don’t be jealous. He was just a friend.” He leaned into me, bumping our chests together. “Now follow me home. Let me deal with this shirt for you.”
