Page 107 of Reckless Obsession

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It feels wrong to hope Johnny shows up. That was the whole point of this night with Eoghan. Complicating things, though, I’m starting to feel something for him.

I just don’t know if he’s for real, or he’s just a bloodhound who got a whiff of something he wants and doesn’t know how to stop hunting it.

And once he catches it, the thrill will be over. He’ll spit me out and go…

My stomach twists, thinking of him with someone else.

With my bedroom balcony doors open, I undress, leaving my clothes on the upholstered chair in the corner. My panties included.

After I’ve brushed my teeth and removed what was left of my makeup, I get into bed naked.

My phone in hand, I check the City Sinners app. Still no other profiles to check out, I’ve given up on other men wanting me. But my empty inbox pinches my heart.

Swallowing, I send a message to Johnny…

Me: Hey you…



Gemma7: Hey you.

My emotions tumble in and out of the wringer that is my heart, deciding how I feel about Jillian reaching out to Johnny after the night we had.

Even though, she’s technically looking for me.

But she doesn’t know that.

I log into her account and double check that she’s still blocked from other profiles.

My fingers run across her words, and I don’t get where this sting in my heart is coming from.

I’ve decided to only pack my shave kit in the leather duffle I brought with me. I have everything I need at home.

Not Jillian… A voice whispers and I want to scream, Who said that?

But I know who.

My ego. He’s going to get a talking to this weekend.

My phone beeps again, and excitement tickles me, thinking it’s Jillian, texting me. Me. Not Johnny.

But it’s my brother’s pilot.

“Fueled and ready to go, sir.”

Earlier, I sent him a message asking for the plane tonight instead of tomorrow. I can’t bear to sleep in this bed tonight without Jillian…



With no response from Johnny, I close the app, battling guilt and a nagging in my gut from his rejection.

Staring at the ceiling, I touch my sensitive flesh, still slick from Eoghan’s release.

One last look at my balcony, I sigh and turn to fall asleep with my back to the open door.
