Page 110 of Reckless Obsession

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“Anything else I should know, besides you two trading skin shots?” Balor asks with eyebrows lifted.

“I fucked her twice. Well, three times. Once as Johnny.”

“Who the fuck is Johnny?”

“The profile I set up on her app. Oh, can you fuck with it to make sure she never gets responses? She can toggle that acceptance bar any time. I’m going crazy checking it every…” I stop when my brother stares at me with his jaw dropped. “What?”

“This is the woman who tried to put Cormac in jail, right?”

“It wasn’t personal. Although, she does seem to have a hard on for prosecuting crime families. She wants to be a director for the corruption unit.”

“And you think once you’re done fucking her and walk out on her, she won’t tip off the Feds here with your goddamn pillow talk?” The alarm in his voice sets me back.

Am I not reading this situation with Jillian correctly?

“Aye, I know that.”

“How can you possibly know that?”

“Because I intend to make her as obsessed with me as I am with her and bring her back to New York after this gobshite with her brother is done.”

Balor’s eyelids flutter behind the thick lenses. “I’m gonna ignore the obsessed part for a moment. What about her brother?”

“He’s the weasel director in that office. He’s the one who saddled me with figuring out what the hell Lazaro Scava is up to, so he can get around all their legal fuckery.”

“Scava? As in the Borgias?” Balor’s face drains of all its color. “You’re conspiring against the people who sent a hitman to kill Darragh?”

“Yep, them. And I still have to meet with Lazaro.” Which makes me wonder why they haven’t tracked me down. “I told you all this when I called in to say why I had to stay there.”

“I’m pretty sure you didn’t say it was a Borgia you were helping the D.A. nail.”

“I know what I’m doing.” I fold my arms. “They have no idea I’m helping Vance.”

Balor opens his mouth, but the smell of…something hits me. I turn around and jump back. Riordan stands there with his daughter, who I don’t think he’ll ever put down. His eyes are red from crying. He put on a T-shirt, but it’s sticking to his wet body since he didn’t bother to towel off.

“Isn’t she beautiful?” He kisses her forehead.

The poor thing has a pointy head from being squeezed out of a narrow birth canal.

“She’s gorgeous, brother.” I lean in, avoiding the lizard in his arms covered in placenta.

Balor pats Rior on his back. “Congrats.”

Darragh passes me next, and I pull his arm. “Her head isn’t staying like that, is it?”

Eyes narrowed, he says, “You’re a dick. Of course not.”

“Just asking.” I have to plan for her future, and if she’s going to look like a conehead, I need to make the proper financial arrangements.

My phone buzzes again.

Jillian: Done?

I can’t help but smile widely, more than I ever think I have in my life.

Balor’s eyes are on me when I look up, then he starts laughing hysterically.

